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End of spam in sight?

I'm not sure you can ever truly get rid of spam but it sure would be nice not to see trash in my inbox for once.
That is true, I don't think we can get rid of spam completely but reducing it significantly will be very nice.
The word, "Spam" and its negative connotations, is used too loosely as of late. I'm guilty of using it also, but it's not funny any longer, as people are going to jail over here.

SPAM in your e-mail :curse:

SPAM in on the msg boards :bang:

SPAM in the search engines :roll:

Some site just SPAMMED me with a POPUP/Under :nono:

SPAM on my Yahoo Messenger :bait:

SPAM in the chat rooms :bonk:

Does everyone cry, "SPAM" at every commercial they see on TV? :up2:

If someone's having a yard sale and they post signs and directions on a telephone poll, I guessing they are, "SPAMMING" you also, huh? :roll:

And when you turn on your favorite radio station and don't hear music, but a commercial break, do you call the radio station, crying, "SPAM"?

I know the response. These methods of advertising are, "acceptable", right? Well, did you opt in? Yeah, did you opt in? Serious, do the TV stations and radio stations double confirm your willingness to listen to their advertising in exchange for their FREE CONTENT? :brow:

Our list host sends us a daily report, and although we've never had an actual ISP complaint, we receive a report of everyone who clicks that little, "SPAM" button when viewing our e-mail. When they click that, "SPAM" button, their calling us, "SPAMMERS", thus defamation/libel is committed IMO. :nono: :nono: :nono:

I can't sue the Government over their stupid laws, but I can take each individual who defames my company, to small claims court and sue them for $1500, and I don’t even have to leave my city. :up2:

Now, an e-mail is always sent to the individual whom clicked the, "SPAM" button, explaining our point of view, then telling them what we'll do next. We only ask for a return e-mail of apology, which we print for our files, and an e-mail to their ISP, stating they had made a mistake when clicking the, "SPAM" button, regarding our e-mail. Most are more than willing to apologize, and then do the right thing. The others, well, I'm not allowed to speak/post about that, but a quick court records search will give you any information you need, as it's freely available to the public.

BTW, this is call, "Setting a precedent". Taking the fight to them! :armada40:

Click the DELETE button, folks, or UNSUBSCRIBE! :toast:

Thank You :thumbup:

I think the debate on what constitute a spam and spam itself if one issue that will never go away.

I think its a cat and mouse game, as anti spaming software got smarter spammers get more sophisticated.

Extemely effective anti spam measures alway get rid of some desirable emails as well.
"I think its a cat and mouse game, as anti spaming software got smarter spammers get more sophisticated.

Extemely effective anti spam measures alway get rid of some desirable emails as well."

IMHO, the software didn't get, "Smarter", it simply was programmed to filter, "Keywords", which could be included in, "SPAM" e-mails. Heck, any donkey :censored: programmer could make a program, which filters keywords.

Also, the, "Anti-Keyword" software doesn't just get rid of, "Some" legit e-mails, it's hindering small business across the world. And we're not going to take it any more. I have no problems at all, spending tax deductible money with my council, to fight these bozos.


Why do I have to spend money here to have my e-mails go to the, "Inbox"? :roll:
