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Eight Good Reasons Why Spinning Articles is Bad for your Website



Eight Good Reasons Why Spinning Articles is Bad for your Website
By Suzzane Edwards
December 14, 2011

Article marketing is one of today?s most popular ways of marketing products, services, ideas or even an entire business. Unfortunately, the article marketing spectrum has been tainted primarily due to the greed of many Internet marketers.

Tons of article spinning software have flooded the Internet. Needless to say, article marketing has become an efficient way of building hundreds if not thousands of backlinks. However, automatic articles spinning with the use of a spinning software is deemed as a black hat SEO technique that can seriously hurt a website?s search rankings and page rank.

If they were banned, it was more likely for other reasons. Google doesn't generally ban sites for bad backlinks - it just discounts the backlinks.
While one may not be banned for bad backlinks, it can still crash a site.

If rankings are hinging upon lots and lots of links created by spun articles and the sites where the articles are posted get hit by an algorithm shift, then the sites link to will experience a free fall.

Bad news, those article spinners. :eek:
Let me post a little hard reality for all of the people who use spins to market and build ranking with spun content. You are wasting your time! Period!

Google has lot's of very smart engineers, programmers and scientist in multiple fields, and some second rate programmer with second rate software has no shot at beating Google.

If an average, or even a brilliant programmer thinks he can outsmart teams of the brightest minds in the world, they are sadly mistaken. You will spin your wheels while people who are doing it right and living it up from the benefits of doing it right while you pine away in misery and self contempt.

Just the facts. I know it is hard, and it is cold, but still facts none the less.
I always read about google banning websites due to some dubious ways of getting backlinks, is this really true? does google ban sites bcos they were linked to from a spun article?

via mobile device
There are several different kinds of penalties that Google can apply that don't involve "banning" a site, and in fact Google has said multiple times they don't like manual remedies like bans. Instead, they make changes to the search algorithms so that poor quality sites/pages are buried deep in the search results where few people will ever find them.
9. Spun articles demonstrate you're lazy, and do not care at all about the content you're distributing across the Internet. You've forgotten that people actually do read this content, even if they barf after the first 5 poorly spun words...and you're at fault for putting them through that h e l l .

As you can tell I'm not a big fan of spun content :D
I have seen a few spinning services in the last few days. Actually they have a good feedback from their users but maybe it is a matter of time? I do not prefer this method anyway.

Do you know what "stop words" are? They are common words that google basically ignores when it scans. If you remove these stop words from a spun article, it breaks the text down to the "core" of the article and makes the real content easy to identify.

I have tested this a lot over the last year ( since Panda hit the scene ) and you may get an immediate jump in positions from spun content, and at the beginning of the year 2011, it would slowly fall off over a month or so, but starting October 13th of 2011 , any gains from spun content instantly goes away every time they do a panda refresh or update.

You may think they are getting results, and they may also at the start thinking they are winning, but it is a devastating slap of reality every time google panda goes through.

Your better off doing guest post and getting high quality links from high quality sites within your niche or very closely or cross related sites. You will get many times the "punch" from one link like this than 10 spun articles sent out, and it will not drop.

They may have good feedback due to the poster being an "affiliate", or they are noobs that get the instant gains, go and leave a review or feedback and just do not come back to update, plus, if the company gets bad feedback, do you think they would post that information, or just the good ones?

Do you know what "stop words" are? They are common words that google basically ignores when it scans. If you remove these stop words from a spun article, it breaks the text down to the "core" of the article and makes the real content easy to identify.

I have tested this a lot over the last year ( since Panda hit the scene ) and you may get an immediate jump in positions from spun content, and at the beginning of the year 2011, it would slowly fall off over a month or so, but starting October 13th of 2011 , any gains from spun content instantly goes away every time they do a panda refresh or update.

You may think they are getting results, and they may also at the start thinking they are winning, but it is a devastating slap of reality every time google panda goes through.

Your better off doing guest post and getting high quality links from high quality sites within your niche or very closely or cross related sites. You will get many times the "punch" from one link like this than 10 spun articles sent out, and it will not drop.

They may have good feedback due to the poster being an "affiliate", or they are noobs that get the instant gains, go and leave a review or feedback and just do not come back to update, plus, if the company gets bad feedback, do you think they would post that information, or just the good ones?
Thanks for the detailed clarification jcorkern. For these reasons I never trusted this kind of content. Just to inform you, I did not ask for feedback from a company that provides spinning services, instead I googled "Spinning articles review" and read everything about it from individual opinions to big companies that used the service. I did this to get a fair overall view of the situation.
I did not intend to make you feel like I was stating your intentions on anything, just trying to help all who may read this thread understand how simple it is for Google to find and identify spun content. I have had many long and detailed discussions with my team on how they could identify a well spun article.

We looked at grammar, punctuation and many other potential signals and although possible, the resources needed for that would be steep, so they needed a strong signal that was very simple and effective. The only thing we can figure is stop words.

I guess it is the brilliance of the engineers and support team that Google has that is so amazing that they could take such a simple concept and be able to sweep out the trash so effortlessly while most of the internet world is oblivious to what Google really see's across the web and how they handle it.