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Do you enable "WhoIs Guard"?

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New Member

Out of curiousity, how many of you enable this function, in order to have this option available you may have to spend a few bucks, however there are registrars that include this free of charge.

Do you enable the whois guard, if so why? I suppose it's about keeping your privacy safe, but any other particular reason? I have enabled it on a few domains, although I still have quite a few unused ones.

- Meti
I do it on some of my domains, as it is only $0.99 more when u register on :)
Is this the same thing as "private registration" where registrar is using own info for the whois database?
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I certainly do. It hides your address from people - brilliant if your being flamed!
The other benefit is some sites crawl the whois database and put your name address and contact details on their site - without your consent. I would and always will pay the extra. (I have it free atm)
On very small occasions I have, but not normally...If I owned a huge domain with hundreds of thousands of visitors I think it would be worth it.
If it comes free with the domain registration, then yes; why not!

Otherwise, I don't bother hiding my info on the WHOIS.
I am using it at few of domains (maybe domains with namecheap as they provide free whois guard - not remember now).

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