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Dilemma on high ticket offer


New Member
Hi guys.

I'm thinking about promoting an high ticket offer via Facebook ads, but I afraid this is how to user journey going to look:

My Facebook ad -> going to my website -> thinking about it for couple days -> search it on google -> going to the offer's page or going to a competitor -> purchase the service.

If the user user will go to the offer page, and purchase it from it might considered as my lead because of the saved cookie.
If the the user will search it on google, and visit another website, the lead might come from them. This is the situation I afraid of, because it's a service that you can't make an impulse buy on, and I believe most users are research it or even consider it for couple days before making a final decision.

*I can't promote it on Google ads (will be too expensive), and SEO will take too much time (highly competitive niche)

What do you guys think?
Is it a blue rock or a yellow rock?
Is the cookie persistent or reset for next referrer?
Does the seller set a persistent exclusionary cookie?
What are you calling a big ticket $amount?
"Is it a blue rock or a yellow rock?
Is the cookie persistent or reset for next referrer?
Does the seller set a persistent exclusionary cookie?"
Interesting questions. I'm not sure. I will check that.

The offer payout if 150$ per action.
$150 is not a *big ticket*
Furniture, Autos and Appliances are examples of big tickets ...
Cookies these days are not a realistic proposition for return visits being credited to you ... Check that out.
  • If it's not an impulse sale --walk away; or,
  • your referral acquisition cost would matter $20 or? in ad cost per referral? The *offers* Conversion rate (CR)?
  • do the math projection and *0.65 if 65% of you estimate makes a reasonable profit (whatever that is to you)
    it may be worth doing --
  • how much can you afford to lose if you are wrong?