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CrakRevenue smart link users...


New Member
What is your click to conversion ratio for smartlinks? I've had around 150 clicks in the last 2 days but not a single conversion. They're still getting more clicks than any other ads on my site but it'd be nice to see a conversion or wo.
150 clicks isn't usually enough to draw conclusions from but are you using a tracker, so you can get more information?
No Azgold. All the info i have is the info CR provide. What would a tracker tell me?

Short answer: What you need to know! :D

Longer answer: Time of day people are clicking, geo, where they drop off, etc. Some trackers will let you see demographics - age, income level, etc., more detailed info. If you're using your own landing page with more than one CTA button you'll know which button they click more often.

Trackers are indispensable for things like split-testing, too. You can see which ad is working better.

You'll have all the data you need to start optimizing your campaigns and improve your ROI.
Oh, phooey! Sorry, when I came back, I forgot to re-read your original post, forgot it was a smartlink. As I've never used one of those, I can't compare how the tracker may or may not work differently.
I believe they divert the person that clicks the ads to the most relevant offer based on geo and other factors. I don't know what sort of affiliate marketing everyone else does, but would a tracker still be needed on an adult tube site?
Oh, phooey! Sorry, when I came back, I forgot to re-read your original post, forgot it was a smartlink.
It'll work completely different in the case of a smartlinks with inbuilt-prelander which most of the smartlinks already has.

Coming to the OP's query. Some networks show the clicks on prelander and some don't. Crakrevenue doesn't show clicks on the landing page, so a tracker would only know how many users visited the smart link and the CR. Even if the LP CTR is 0-1%, the tracker won't know about it. If you're media buying, You should use a smartlink that shows LP clicks at least. ;)

A small example. I had a traffic source that sent thousands of clicks on my banner but nearly 0 clicks on landing page hence no users went to the offer page. Turns out, it was all bot traffic :)() when I checked the connection-type, ISP and IP ranges of users (yes, You can use a tracker for it). Had it been a smartlink, I'd never get to know. :D
hello what if i didn't have a landing page, would the tracker still track all necessary data if i was media buying and assuming it wasn't a smartlink?