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Common Affiliate Mistakes


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I have opened this thread to know and share something here that what are the general mistakes does affiliates promoter usually make

Here are some -

Create your own Content - it is the not possible to create best quality content every time, but creating own content will give better results in the part of selling.

Promoting one or more programs at a time -

At time your primary affiliate program product starts to make you a revenue, then join any another affiliate program.

Any suggestions will be much appreciated...
Hi Jacob, and welcome! I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, though; are you saying creating your own content is a mistake? Or that joining more than one affiliate program is a mistake?
Hi Laura, I want to say that the I have seen some affiliate promoters don?t use their own content while promoting the products for.ex creating Articles, there are many who use Articles as the tool to promote the products, but it has been observed that they don?t create own content instead of that they use the copyrighted content which will not give the results.
You might not be able to create your own best content. You might have to buy quality content from someone else. Of course, you must combine all the right parts for the business to be successful. The more parts you can make yourself, the better.
A common mistake is not creating backlinks to get ranked high. Many new marketers create articles and just hope they will get ranked high for a specific keyword because they have put the keyword in the title and a few times in the articles itself.

Articles need backlinks to get ranked high in google. Same thing for any landing page, website... Backlinks have to be created every single day and not 150 backlinks and then nothing.

just my 2 cents ;)

~ Louise
I was told that hte best thing that you can do is just get some decent PLR articles and try and spin them. I'm unsure if thats a good method to pushing around articles, but it appears to be one of the hot trends right now who are in the article marketing area.

I'd rather actually figure out exactly what works first before I start spinning off a bunch of content and hoping that eventually it will work out for me in the long run. Or at least hire someone who write articles for you that are completely unique, however I'm coming to find thats becoming rare.
Unfortunately, creating good, unique content and doing the work to obtain valuable backlinks does take time and energy. I think many new affiliates need to understand that what they should really be creating is a business and building a business has challenges.
Thats actually a very good point. Can you recommend maybe any sort of method which you use to increase your own backlinks? I know many people use blog comments, directories, etc - I'm just wondering what you have opt'd to do?