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Case Studies: What works and what doesn't


New Member
I thought it would be good to start a thread for us to share our experiences of various affiliate marketing models. If we can get case studies together on what has worked for you and what hasn't, it will make it easier for new affiliates to avoid the mistakes we make. What's worked/not worked for you?

---------- Post Merged at 05:27 PM ----------

So I'll start with one I recently posted about. I tried some CPA marketing, more specifically pay-per-call. I tried it on the bing ad network, targeting only smartphone users. I spent around $15, got about 9000 impressions and only one call. As the caller didn't stay on the line long enough, I got no commission from the offer I was promoting. This was a really poor and surprising result until i looked further into it. There were loads of things I learned from this. There's loads to be made from pay-per-call so ill try again but implementing the major changes I found.
Single Page Single Product Portal

Hi wakey7, nice concept for a thread. The model I am experimenting with at present is basically a single page affiliate portal. The page itself resembles a typical lead capture page or squeeze page or what ever they are called at the moment.

The page consists of an optin Newsletter (top left corner), a mascot with a tag line mounted in a speech bubble, one promoted product, linkage to a handful of Social Network Sites for the purpose of plugging the sales page (mounted in the header) and the actual product with an outbound link to the best Australian Review Site. I am using a concept based on promoting one product per week, ?Pick of the Week?.

As far a Traffic Generation I have tried Traffic Exchanges which is usually very low quality traffic and yielded very low CTRs about 2 - 5%. My CTR using Organic Traffic is about 25%, 1 in 4 visitors will click through to the Amazon Sales Page just to check out the Product.

I have about a dozen of these Single Page Single Product Portals rooted in a variety of Niches that I am slowly but surely building. Aesthetically I am going with ?Big Funkiness?, Web 2.0 style.
What I am kicking around is the idea of presenting something useful and free and then sprinkling in some affiliate offers. That way I can build some trust and if they happen to go for one of the affiliate offers then I can make some immediate cash. It's probably also a good idea to make sure that an opt-in is included in there somewhere as well.
Good idea, I do mostly paid traffic and cpa marketing, mobile and web.

But this year I have decided to do a blog, so I have decided to not do any paid advertising to my blog, only free methods.

This is hard for me but a challenge because I just like to send traffic right away, but I am enjoying writing and posting videos, I am going to try and do a blog post a day.
Hmm, everyone does something different. I started with trying to tap into the health and fitness niche. I found the program i liked and bought it, (lost 20 pounds and loved it) then spent a couple of months promoting it. I'm using facebook, twitter, article marketing, a blog, a little bit of PPC and bought ads on buysellads. I HAVEN'T HAD EVEN ONE CONVERSION!!!! So i made a landing page and am trying to build a better list. Offering some free stuff.

Then i thought i would try to break into the "make money online" niche. I have 3 or 4 landing pages and have purchased 2 domains sending traffic to those pages. My list is building but i still haven't made any money.

Any suggestions?
Hmm, everyone does something different. I started with trying to tap into the health and fitness niche. I found the program i liked and bought it, (lost 20 pounds and loved it) then spent a couple of months promoting it. I'm using facebook, twitter, article marketing, a blog, a little bit of PPC and bought ads on buysellads. I HAVEN'T HAD EVEN ONE CONVERSION!!!! So i made a landing page and am trying to build a better list. Offering some free stuff.

Then i thought i would try to break into the "make money online" niche. I have 3 or 4 landing pages and have purchased 2 domains sending traffic to those pages. My list is building but i still haven't made any money.

Any suggestions?

When they opt in, send them to an offer right away, A high converting offer, also your list will open your emails more in the first 2 weeks, so promote to them while they are hot.
you can either hit them with offers until they buy or unsubscribe

Or you can build up trust with your list and only offer to them now and again. test which one works best for you

What open rate on your emails are you getting, test your email headlines, always use catchy ones to get the open.

also test between, long story emails and short emails.

hope this helped
Yes, this helps, thank you. My autoresponders are set at 0 days - 3,5 and then every 7 days after that. My list is still very small though. Not even 150 yet. But its building.
Yes, this helps, thank you. My autoresponders are set at 0 days - 3,5 and then every 7 days after that. My list is still very small though. Not even 150 yet. But its building.

mail them everyday, just think about how many emails they get from so many different people telling them to buy the latest product, train them to expect an email from you often. You need to establish who you are to them right away, you need to stand out so they will always open your emails.

As I said before test from giving good content or just trying to sell to them, if you try the second option expect to get many unsubscribes

Also with only 150 people you cant really expect any sales, what offers are you promoting to them and what are the price ranges
I offer a free download of 7 ebooks on internet marketing. at 100% FREE Internet Marketing eBooks! Download Today!. Then i have them on the list and promote the mega money emails at GA MONEY EMAILS! - Make Money While You Sleep!. I also have several ebooks that i promote that are for facebook marketing, viral traffic etc etc. I promote the mega money program in every email and its 37 bucks. I used to promote the millionaire society but that is just too expensive and not high converting.

For the weight loss one i promote burn the fat. I bought Fat Loss Diet | Fat Burning Foods | Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle By Tom Venuto and that forwards directly to the burn the fat site but i don't get any conversions in clickbank so i made a landing page of 100 Weight Loss Tips. Guaranteed results for fat burning and weight loss and sell the ebook for 10 bucks but offer a free download that will get them on the list. Then i promote the burn the fat landing pages as set up by Tom Venuto that is the owner of that program.

I hope i didn't put too many links in this reply but any help is appreciated.
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I offer a free download of 7 ebooks on internet marketing. at 100% FREE Internet Marketing eBooks! Download Today!. Then i have them on the list and promote the mega money emails at GA MONEY EMAILS! - Make Money While You Sleep!. I also have several ebooks that i promote that are for facebook marketing, viral traffic etc etc. I promote the mega money program in every email and its 37 bucks. I used to promote the millionaire society but that is just too expensive and not high converting.

For the weight loss one i promote burn the fat. I bought Fat Loss Diet | Fat Burning Foods | Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle By Tom Venuto and that forwards directly to the burn the fat site but i don't get any conversions in clickbank so i made a landing page of 100 Weight Loss Tips. Guaranteed results for fat burning and weight loss and sell the ebook for 10 bucks but offer a free download that will get them on the list. Then i promote the burn the fat landing pages as set up by Tom Venuto that is the owner of that program.

I hope i didn't put too many links in this reply but any help is appreciated.

Try to test the offers that you are promoting, I'm not sure how good that GA money emails will convert, the product doesn't look that good to be honest. I also believe that millionaire society is one of the top converting offers on click bank.

Do the same in the fitness niche, test the offers. Sign up for the truth about abs news letters, and see how they promote to their list.

And copy that model, they send emails everyday with good information but always promote an offer in each email.
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