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Boost Your Mobile Landing Page CTR by 10% to 20%


Well-Known Member

Boost Your Mobile Landing Page CTR by 10% to 20%

In this guide i'll show you how to boost your mobile CTR by up to 20%!

Every Dollar Counts

Quick tip for you mobile affiliates struggling to get your landing page CTR up. First off there could be loads of reasons why you're not getting the CTR you want such as your call to action button appearing below the fold of certain mobile devices, this would obviously affect your CTR negatively.

The method i describe below works better if you already have a good converting landing page that's getting anywhere from a 20% to 30% CTR but after dozens of split tests still can't get the CTR up.

I’ve been using this method my self for a while now to boost the click through rates on my mobile landing pages.

However getting a better CTR on a landing page doesn't necessarily 100% guarantee your conversion rate will increase but its always worth trying to squeeze every dollar out of your campaigns.

This method requires a little coding but but nothing too complicated, all you're simply doing is turning the main body of your landing page into a clickable link using a little CSS, Javascript and html.

The CSS and Javascript part needs to be put before the </head> part of your landing page.




    function goto(){
      location.href = ""

Once you’ve done that you need to amend the <body> tag in your landing page to this

<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">

The finished code should appear something like this

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Untitled Document</title>


    function goto(){
      location.href = ""


  <body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">

  Your Content



Now when a visitor clicks anywhere on the body of your mobile landing page they will be redirected to your affiliate offer page

Making it Rain

The 2nd method i use is an intro pop. This just requires you to enter some javascript just before the </head> tag in your landing page. To add a new paragraph to the intro pop you would need to add \n\n at the end of your previous paragraph.

<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n Have a good day");</script>

I very often use both these strategies together to boost my landing page CTR. See the example below

<html xmlns="">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Untitled Document</title>

<script>alert("Hello\n\nWelcome to affiliate fix\n\n have a good day");</script>


    function goto(){
      location.href = ""


<body class="enterPage" onclick="goto();">

Your Content



Thats it fixers, hopefully that will help a few of you increase your landing page CTR’s.

I’m an amateur coder at best but if you have any questions just post them below and i’ll try my best to answer them.
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Nice trick with the hand cursor, it makes you click instinctively :)

Oh, guys, don't forget to change the "" url with your CTA/affiliate link
Could you post some screen shots or examples of these type of thing in action as dont 100% understand.

IE - what is an intro pop?

Thank you sir.
bro, hope you dont mind me pestering you BUT how do you do this pop up with a geo location, looks like you have it there....


Thank you sir

Not sure i had to pay some guy on freelancer to do it for me because i couldn't figure it out myself :) i did have to buy a Maxmind database though
thanks for the tool.

i have no idea how to to use it on mobile

could some one help please?

To implement the location data inside the <script>alert('blabla');</script> function, follow these steps:
1) Paste this code
<script src=""></script>
just before the </head> tag.
2)On the alert function use geoip_city() and geoip_country_name() to get the city and country like <script>alert('You are around'+geoip_city()+'blabla');</script>

Note that I can't testify the accuracy of the script, especially on mobile, but for the country it works very well.
Hi @cashmoneyaffiliate,

Thanks first for your great tricks here!
I am late comer for this thread, hopefully, you are still able to help for below.

For the entry pop, how can I change how it looks like?
  • The headline is " says:", How to amend this? Can I call out the root domain the user visited, let say " says:"
  • The background color is white for all, How to change to what your screenshot above?
  • The OK button is just a clickable OK word, How to make the button like yours again?

Many thanks in advance.