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Best Payment Gateway For eCommerce?

Ninja Marketer11

New Member
I have the website which needs a good payment gateway. Right now my customers are from USA and Mexico. This is a cloth store. Would you like to suggest me some decent payment gateway where I can directly get payment in my papal/bank account?
I have the website which needs a good payment gateway. Right now my customers are from USA and Mexico. This is a cloth store. Would you like to suggest me some decent payment gateway where I can directly get payment in my papal/bank account?
Right now you can use Paypal, CC Bill, Stripe, are the best to seem to me.
I would have to agree with the other users and suggest PayPal. I think when it comes to payment issues it is probably best, and in most cases easiest, to go with the big name, more recognized company that you can rely on. The sites with the most regulations and standards seem to be the best ones when it comes to financials, so they are your best bet.
I think following are the better payment gateways for eCommerce..
BluePay Processing
I think whatever payment gateway you choose, the important thing is that it should be good and secure one.
There are quite a lot of options for your online business these days. PayPal is the most popular and easy for the new business to set up a payment gateway. I too have an e-commerce site. I started with PayPal, and later as my business developed, I searched for other solutions and that is when I heard about merchant account. I am currently using the international merchant account for my e-commerce business which spans in the US and Canada.
I would recommend you getting a merchant account for payment processing because it is more secure, reliable and cost-effective.
if your using a POS for your in store location, most of them also accept eCommerce transactions. For example we use Moneris for in store swag purchases and they happen to have an online integration for woocommerce
A payment gateway is an e-commerce element that allows a customer/merchant to use internet transactions via credit/debit cards, securely. A bad payment gateway results in bad payment options, ultimately leading to a decline in the total sales.
The following is a list of best payment gateways:
1. Instamojo
2. CC Avenue
3. Citrus Pay
4. Direcpay
5. Google Wallet