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Best converting air ticket affiliate programs

Hi affiliatewoman,

Sorry, I've never worked with very many companies in the travel space, so don't know offhand. Hopefully our members can give you some ideas.
I promote expedia, priceline, travelocity and cheap tickets on my travel page and the best converting merchant by far has been expedia. I got them on Commission Junction. You get notified when someone books but don't get paid till they check out or complete their travel itinerary.
Give them a try.
There are so many out there, so you have to be really careful. I played in this game for a while. I am in one currently, but its a unique, and they are actually a successful brick in mortar first before they went online.

On the other side of things. How stable is the travel industry exactly. With fuel cost rising and so forth. So its a catch 22. Its good now, but will it always be strong...

Guess time will tell right?

Hope that helps...
There are so many out there, so you have to be really careful. I played in this game for a while. I am in one currently, but its a unique, and they are actually a successful brick in mortar first before they went online.

On the other side of things. How stable is the travel industry exactly. With fuel cost rising and so forth. So its a catch 22. Its good now, but will it always be strong...

Guess time will tell right?

Hope that helps...

Nicely stated. These are interesting times for this industry and you almost need to take a day by day approach in seeing how the industry plays out. All the best.