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Article Marketing for SEO - Google Farmer Update SOLUTIONS

Linda Buquet

New Member
I've never been a fan of article marketing for several reasons,but have tuned into it since Google's Farmer/Panda update. This is the most well written insightful article I've ever read about article marketing and it will show you the way forward if you take heed of the advice Michael offers.
<a href="">Article Marketing for SEO</a>

Article marketing for search engine optimization has probably been dealt the greatest blow to its credibility and effectiveness by Google?s Big Panda update that the technique has endured in its 12-15 year history...

Still, those of you who want to hang your hats on article marketing for SEO need to take a deep breath, reassess the values you hold, and think about what I?m about to tell you. You need to stop clinging to the bad SEO advice you?ve nurtured for years. Many of the same people who have sold you on the lie about how important links are for SEO also told you nonsense like you need to sculpt PageRank, all you need is link bait, and you just need to promote your link bait through the right social media channels.

Those who CAN optimize for search DO. Those who cannot optimize for search turn to links for salvation.

I can boil it down to one IMPORTANT sentence ethical marketers have been saying for years.
Can you guess what I'm thinking???

Read the whole long article and then share your thoughts.
I had a lot of success in article marketing so long as I didn't use posts to build links but received visitors through the links themselves. It made Google ranking irrelevant. In fact it still does.

I don't think that means I turned to Ezine because I COULDN'T rank on the SERPS. It means using Ezine was another approach through which I achieved success.

I think a lot of people fail at article marketing because they don't know what their expectations should be.

For example, I see a lot of people asking how many unique articles are sufficient per niche? I always say anywhere between 20 and 100 unique articles to a top directory and rewrites/spins to all the others. What do you guys think?

Another commonly asked question is the expectation of traffic. What type of traffic can you expect and how quickly can you expect to see it?
I agree with minstrel and I agree with google totally for this change in algorithm. There was way too much crap out there ranking high in the search engines.
Yeah you may be right cause what I did before is to create a lot of original content. You might be surprise that your article has been spun and distributed to another. I decided to try other ways to create traffic on sites. One thing more Its not that easy to write.,