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Article Directories Ranked and Their Effect on Rankings

Linda Buquet

New Member
Thought this would come in REALLY handy for all you article marketers out there.

A Look At Article Directories and Their Influence in Organic Rankings

"Article directories and article syndication websites are one the earliest forms internet marketing, but do they still work and are they worth the effort? The main problem with syndicated articles is that they will most likely be seen as duplicate content, which Google claims will be filtered out of organic SERP’s. Article directory owners tell a different story. In a style reminiscent of late night infomercials, they will talk about the exposure benefits and tidal waves of traffic that contributions to article directories can bring. So where’s the truth? In this article we’ll be taking a look at article directories, if there are any benefits, and if you can use them to help your organic rankings."

The article gives a look at top tier article directories and their traffic ranking
and standings based on PAGERANK, ALEXA, COMPETE and QUANTCAST.
Article Directory in comparison to views??

Thanks for sharing that article Linda.

I realized I can go through article directories top viewed articles for each category.

Is it safe to say that the ones with the largest amount of views in the selected category have the best keyword selections for that category?

I figured I can search through those articles and test those keywords with the free keyword suggestion tools. Am I on to something valid?
Is it safe to say that the ones with the largest amount of views in the selected category have the best keyword selections for that category?

Hmmm, not necessarily. Could be the most compelling, well crafted titles that get the views, not necessarily the specific keywords contained in the titles.

But sure, good key phrases you find, run through free KW tools and research them.
On a semi related note, I read something this week, can't remember where.

The guy said he found 15 good niches by going to EzineArticles and searching for generic keywords like reduce, prevent, how to, etc. and then digging through the topics that came up.
So there's that duplicate thing... so what? When you spread an article around it DOES help in more than one way and it's much better than nothing!
I don't need to elaborate on this, we all know the benefits and in this competitive difficult net these days it's not so easy getting links and traffic and if you have this way to generate more of these than great! Especially if you have a new website/page to strengthen that with just a little push can get into the SERPs first page.
On a semi related note, I read something this week, can't remember where.

The guy said he found 15 good niches by going to EzineArticles and searching for generic keywords like reduce, prevent, how to, etc. and then digging through the topics that came up.

That is a tip that will never go wrong!
Good time-tested tip.

Hmmm, not necessarily. Could be the most compelling, well crafted titles that get the views, not necessarily the specific keywords contained in the titles.

But sure, good key phrases you find, run through free KW tools and research them.

I agree that good key phrases are very important but isn't it also important to have an unique content?
Nowadays lots of people easily copy your article and they also get the views..
This is just what I want to ask you people, Is it fine if we just spread just 1 article to many directories? This article contain of the same keywords, same body etc...

Is this particular article still worth in the eyes of the search engines?

Please advice
This would not be the best thing to do with the recent upgrade on Google....It will crack down your site if its found to appear in same category and especially if the directories are of low quality...
Always try to create new and quality content and the distribute to high ranking directories...