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Am so confused & Tired!


New Member
Please can anyone tell me what could be happening/wrong?:confused::confused::confused:
I joined clickbank three years ago which i set up a blooger site for
and have written articles on ezinearticles.
My blog have few visitors that have left few comments,
not that good. But with all of these visitors, I have not gotten one click on any
affiliate product i promote.
I promote PARENTING product ONLY on clickbank,:(:(:(

Thanks for any help.
Hi David,

I think in cases like this it helps to pretend you are the customer. Do you have kids? If not pretend you do and they are the most precious thing in the world to you.

Are you going to go to an ezine site looking for info? Even if you stumbled on a good article there are you going to click through and BUY an eBook?

I don't know which one you are promoting but most CB ebooks are written with those hypey sales letters and BIG RED CAPS and yellow highlights and flashing buy now buttons that scream scam or sales pitch to average Jane soccer Mom.

So there I mentioned a few things that could be part of the problem. The traffic targeting, the market, the sales page and the product could all be misaligned.
Hi David, I know what you are going through. It is pretty tough but it takes time. As far as a blog you have to keep posting at least twice a week or more. Posting articles in Ezine Articles is a start but there are lots more out there. Google Article Directories and you will find plenty. Also go to forums in your niche and start posting. Find where you can guest post on other blogs in your field. That is where I would start.
David, you say your Click Bank products aren't converting. Have you tried Adsense? Adsense ads don't get the high commission rates that CB products do, but if you have targeted traffic, you will get clicks. If you have a Blogger/Blogspot blog, you can enable Adsense by just applying for it.

You mentioned article directories. Are you doing this for backlinks? If so, try using web 2.0's instead, these works much better. Google devalued article directories, but they still love good web 2.0's like, Hubpages, Squidoo, etc..

And try not to stress to much, you are taking action, which is much more than most people ever do. You are closer than you realize.

You will do just fine if you stick with it. :)
I have heard that best way to success is education. I think that web business requires some time spent in education and efforts to implement learned skills. Some famous marketers had not earned a dime for a first year or two.
I would say that you go online and read and learn - this is what I do - and I must say that there is always something news that I discover!

Best of luck