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Affiliates wanted for PDF course - $50+ per sale


<b>5 Star Member</b>
A warm hello to all potential affiliates!

Let me give you a brief rundown of my new product and why I'm confident you'll want to promote it. It's called the "Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook," and my slogan is "Skip the Scams, Get the Skills!" My approach to marketing it is basically less hype, more real-life practical instruction.


When I began affiliate marketing, I had two main concerns: Would I get scammed because I didn't know what I was doing? and, How am I going to get past this information overload and get something accomplished? Well, I made it through without losing too much money and eventually got a handle on it, but it was a long, hard road.

So the motivating force behind the creation of this web site and e-course was my desire to help newbies avoid being victimized by all the scam artists who would prey on their inexperience, given the opportunity. And since beginners are so often overwhelmed, another goal was to condense and organize all the information needed for a person to get started in affiliate marketing using solid, effective, ethical techniques.


The course is in PDF format, available for instant download to the buyer, and is jam-packed with quality content from beginning to end. It has 270 pages, broken up into 55 easily manageable lessons. The newbie to affiliate marketing can take this home study course, go through it at their own pace, and get a complete foundation in the field. By the time they've finished the lesson plan and the assignments, they will have a fully functioning web site of their own as well as the knowledge and resources to build as many more as they want.


As you can see, this is no mere ebook. It's a comprehensive introduction to affiliate marketing. Graphics and screenshots walk the student through the various tasks. Worksheets and checklists are also included to help them organize and keep track of their work.

In addition, buyers of the course will receive 1 year of FREE HOSTING for their web site, as well as a bonus ebook with more ideas on how to get traffic to their site! It's a super deal.


We are paying a generous 55% commission on the sale of this $97 product, which means you will earn $53.35 for each unit you sell! We also hold quarterly cash drawings to provide extra incentive to promote this fantastic product.

Please visit the Skip the Scams Affiliate Program for a complete explanation of how our program works and to sign up.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this program or the product. I hope that we can work together! :)
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Just wanted to post an update to add information about our program through ClickBank. The percentage is 55% with both E-junkie and ClickBank, but with EJ the commission comes to $53.35 and with CB it is $48.80 since CB takes their cut first.

Either way, it's a product you can promote with pride and be well compensated for. Learn more and sign up at Affiliate Marketing Schoolbook Affiliate Program.

I look forward to working with you!