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Affiliates - Jump Start Your Keyword Research

Linda Buquet

New Member
Thorough and smart keyword research is the foundation of any good affiliate marketing effort and will help you evaluate markets, select potentially profitable niches, then help you to optimize a successful marketing campaign.

Do you ever get in a rut with your keyword research, using the old same tool in the same old ways? If so, I hope some of these recent blog posts and videos will help you jump start your keyword research either by showing you some new ideas or reinforcing some important basics you may be overlooking.

<strong><a href="">6 steps to KILLING long tail keywords for SEOs &amp; Content writers</a></strong> "When you are fortunate enough to be blessed by the Search Gods, you need to maximize that blessing, one strategy most of us probably don?t take full advantage of is blowing out the long tail keywords when we already are getting signals from the search engines that they like our site for head or short tail keywords."

<strong><a href="">Where to Kickoff Your Keyword Research</a></strong> "Keyword research is a pain in the butt, but someone?s gotta do it! And, let?s be honest, if you?re a search engine marketer there really isn?t anything more important than keywords."

<strong><a href="">Improve Keyword Conversion Rates with Google Analytics</a></strong> "You then look at your site traffic numbers for these keywords, and they are higher than ever. Then you scratch your head and ask, ?Why are conversions so low?? Take a breath: the answer can be found in your Google Analytics data."

And here are a few keyword research videos from WordTracker.

<strong><a href="">Assess your market with keyword research - Wordtracker video tutorials</a></strong>

<strong><a href="">Expand into new markets & beat your competition - Wordtracker video</a>

<a href="">Pay per click (PPC) for testing and profit - Wordtracker video tutorials</a></strong>
Linda - You and Ministril know where to get info. Thx again for a great post. It seems like everytime I come here - I learn something.

I bookmarked the article "6 steps to KILLING long tail keywords for SEOs & Content writers" and I didn't read the others yet. So I ended up bookmarking this whole page!

Thanks again for this great piece of information.