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Affiliates - Cash In on the Google Content Network

Linda Buquet

New Member
Affiliates are always on the lookout for new and better sources of low cost, targeted traffic. With an 80% reach of all Internet users and 140 Billion page views a month, the Google Content network can drive some serious traffic at a much lower cost than traditional PPC.

Now you may have been cautioned in the past to avoid the Content Network at all costs, however many affiliates successfully leverage the content network. Running a Content Network campaign is definitely a different ball game than running a campaign on the Google search network. Like anything else you just need to learn the best way to use it to your advantage.

If you haven't tried the Content Network yet or even if you are already using it, you're about to discover some great tips and tricks for leveraging this unique, low cost traffic source. I hope the following recent posts from super affiliates who successfully use the content network, turn you onto some new ideas that will help you harness the power of the Google Content Network.

<strong><a href="">Search Network or Content Network?</a></strong> "How exactly does the content network work? Should I be using it or strictly stick with the search engine side of ppc? Is it worth the effort involved? Will I receive enough traffic compared to search engine ppc to justify the time to work with the content network?"

<strong><a href="">Google content network basic strategy</a></strong> "With the social ad networks like Facebook and Myspace getting all the attention these days, its easy to forget about the #1 largest ad network: the Google content network. With an 80% reach of all Internet users and 140 Billion page views a month, the Google Content network drives some serious traffic. And just like social networks, you can also do specific GEO targeting and some demographic targeting."

<strong><a href="">How To Dominate Google?s Content Network</a></strong> "Recently I was asked how to scale a campaign on Google?s Content Network. For many, this can be a very challenging, daunting task. For me, this is one of my favorite pay-per-click platforms to promote affiliate offers. Let me explain..."

<strong><a href="">Easily Find Out What Sites Your Ads Are Showing Up For On The Content Network</a></strong> "A question I received a lot was how you could tell what sites your ads were showing up on while running on the content network. The reason so many people are curious about this, is because if there is a certain site that your ad is showing up like crazy on, yet you aren?t receiving any conversions, it will suck your account dry!"
I've BM'd this page Linda.

Quick note - I learned a huge lesson a couple months ago when I was cutting my teeth on adwords. Anyway, I ran BOTH the search and Display Network at the same time. I blew up my client's montly budget in one day. Wasn't a pretty thing. Another thing I learned was that when I did turn off the Display Network - I still got clicks coming in several hours after I turned it off. Google has a delayed response. So if you pause your display network - the "message" won't get to Google until several hours later (from what I've learned from some experts).