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30 Day Challenge- The Idea


New Member
Hey Fellow AFF Stars :)

With no further ado ,I have marketing online for along time now trying to make consistent income just to make a few sales here and there.

That's why I have decided to leave anything and just focus on one simple project,one niche and one blog,,for 30 days..what I call (30 Days Challenge )

So from this day on 28 August 2012 11:44 am (EET Egypt CLT(Cairo Local Time) GMT+2

I will be doing simple tasks working on just one blog..and I will be doing LiveJournal here in this Post( Do you suggest making specific post everyday or update in the same thread?) with a post everyday..talking about what exactly I did in this specific day and what results I got in terms of traffic ,engagement and of course income .

So I am inviting you to join me in this very challenge or you simply could follow what I am doing,I will say everything in the plan(no stones got unturned) here and in my fanpage ( you can find it below my name- Am I allowed to put this link here of my fanpage on not? )

Traffic Methods I Will be Using :

I will put down in this plan everything I have learned so I will use:

1-Article Marketing
2-Vidoe Marketing (Youtube for sure)
3-Facebook & Twitter
4-Forum Marketing

After That I will be adding:

3- Podcast
4- and many other traffic getting systems

Solom Prince
I'm not sure we need daily updates - you can save those for your blog. If you'd like to update this post at the end of your experiment, that would be fine.
30 Day Challenge:1st Review Half Way Milestone

30 Day Challenge:1st Review Half Way Milestone

Alright Welcome back
This is Solom here

It was supposed for me to come every day to write my review of the day but I didnt do due to 2 reasons:

1- I was kinda lazy and buzy that I didnt do what was supposed to be done everyday.
2- I didn't find much to say every day .

But now (although I missed alot) I have stuff to say...I will be formatting each post from now on into 3 parts

Part 1: What I did Day(or Multiple) day tasks
Part 2: What I ound ( The Experience xperince )
Part 3: What I got (The results I got)

Part One: What I did

The Blog : Almost made 5 posts on my blog- my niche is self help.

- They are rich posts that really have alot of value..some of them has been written by few years ago but the information within still valid till now

- I am using blogger as my website tool for this project as you may already know
- I made them rich with images and if possible videos.

Twitter : I was adding alot of people (200 1st day) that made the site warn me of doing and restarted me as with Zero(o following and followers) but they then after I approved their warning turend some of the people I followed back to me .

-I follow 50 a day now no more...I dont wanna get banned and I only want targeted people to follow me.
-Now I am following 261- and have 51 followers,which is good balance by the way..

Facebook: I had also a waring from the site,,that I got bored of this new account,I will be switching to an old profile in the same niche,,I wanted to use all new accounts in this projects but FB didnt want :)

- This one has more than 300 freinds and the page has 88 fans so it feels as starting also

YouTube:I uploaded only one video till now

Document sharing sites:I reproduced all of my posts to pdf and uploaded them

Podcast: I made about 4 podcasts using audacity which could be found at Audacity: Download just sit down, open your mic and read posts you wrote on site ,but I didnt upload themyet to iTunes or any other podcast directory,dont just forget to mention your website ,fb page and twitter ,letter by letter to make it easy for people to type in in the address bar

What I Found:

Twitter is better than Facebook as a starting point : you could easily add 50-100 a day and have 10% -20% of them follow you back..which is quite frankly a good start .
Document sharing sites is awesome: sites like :Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents, are extremely helpfull and can get you almost instant traffic( I could see this ) and you can really convert all your content and upload them to these sites.

Forums is immediate source of traffic : I think this doestnot need to be explaned ,but the point I want to make here is Forums still real source for targeted traffic .find popular forums in your market ,engage with the community and use soft link at your signature ro deirect them to your blog.the cool thing about forums is that if you had written your posts well could add them day after day to forums to gain expert status easily.Think forums is dead? think again

What I got ( My results ):
not much till now but I got :
1- Immediate targeted traffic everyday with every post
2- this traffic grow everyday in a good way
3-I got my 1st .69 cents commission from amazon,,,I know this may seems like nothing or actually nothing ,,but for me its alot...It blew me away when I saw it

Well ,as you can till stuff is getting bigger by time like the now ball falling down.I am happy with everything till the moment ,but I also need your advices ,help and support,if you have any suggestion pl z don't hesitate commenting can comment in this post on fb if you like
also I encourage you to share it on fb,re-tweet it ,on pin it ,my be this reach someone and motivate him or another and he gives some advice that help all of us .

Thank you so much for reading so far ,until I see you again ,best wishes from me

30 Day Challenge:1st Review Half Way Milestone

Alright Welcome back
This is Solom here

It was supposed for me to come every day to write my review of the day but I didnt do due to 2 reasons:

1- I was kinda lazy and buzy that I didnt do what was supposed to be done everyday.
2- I didn't find much to say every day .

Also, I asked you NOT to do that:

I'm not sure we need daily updates - you can save those for your blog. If you'd like to update this post at the end of your experiment, that would be fine.