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  1. Mobidea

    Ask Me Anything Mobidea sharing knowledge!

    Hello, everyone! As you know, Mobidea's mission is to help you become financially independent! We're improving the Mobidea platform for all affiliates, and you know we're always sharing our media buying experience and awesome expertise on the Mobidea Academy, the foremost educational platform...
  2. Mobidea

    What is affiliate fraud? All answers here!

    Fraud is probably the most feared activity in the affiliate marketing industry. It's alarming and unethical, and can be a problem in many different fields and industries. One of the challenges to tackle in 2017 for the mobile marketing industry is precisely the fraud subject. Sadly, this...
  3. Mobidea

    Charles Ngo interviewed about Sweepstakes!

    Sweepstakes are still on top of talks among publishers, so we decided to hold an interview with one of the most influential affiliate marketers: Charles Ngo. Most of the Sweepstake offers have a sign-up flow. Meaning that users just need to insert their email and maybe some more personal info...