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  1. S

    Set up google promotion tab

    Hi, everyone. We need to set up google promotion tab As i know, firstly we need to fill this form . But it says that this option only connects to transaction emails. Not for promo. Maybe I don't get it right, because in every article on the subject promo emails are given as an example. Can...
  2. S

    Set up google promotion tab

    Hi, everyone. We need to set up google promotion tab As i know, firstly we need to fill this form . But it says that this option only connects to transaction emails. Not for promo. Maybe I don't get it right, because in every article on the subject promo emails are given as an example. Can...
  3. Dark.banana

    How does Gmail and Yahoo classify spam messages ?

    I just wrote html email with link to my site offering to reorder, and use smtp email soft mailwizz from new domain sent to my 1800 subscribers, checked few my email in there to see the delivery and found that gmail show notice" something in the line gmail has similar message like this before '...
  4. H

    Looking for Good Gmail Data for Revshare

    Anyone with fresh targeted gmail email list and interested in revenue share please leave your skype or pm me
  5. S

    Improve email deliverability

    I am an email marketer and one of the biggest challenge I face is that my emails land in the promotions tab of the gmail which is impacting my open and click through rates. Where I am most concerned is that I get unsolicited emails to my personal id in the primary tab while when I send emails...
  6. juzlee

    [GUIDE] Tips on How to Make a High Quality GMail/Youtube Accounts

    Hello, I've been doing Youtube since I was a beginner in CPA/Affiliate Marketing and tru my experience I've observed that the more HQ your gmail/youtube account is, the more chances of your account not getting banned for the long term. On the first 20 youtube accounts I made when I'm still a...