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facebook algorithim

  1. azgold

    How to Avoid a Facebook Ban

    How Not to Get Blacklisted on Facebook I know that several of our AFix members have had trouble with bans on their Facebook accounts, so I thought the tips in this article by George Beall on might be helpful. Beall discusses shadow banning before moving on to his experiment with...
  2. leadinfo1980

    Business Development/Social Media/ Web Traffic /SEO

    Hello, Welcome to My Business Development/Social Media/ Web Traffic /SEO World
  3. T J Tutor

    Facebook Signals Institutions Are Out, Individuals Are In

    Facebook Signals Institutions Are Out, Individuals Are In That's the title of the article I just read at AdvertisingAge that came by way of the news aggregate SmartBrief on Social. The article goes on to tell us about last weeks FB news feed algorithm update. Apparently the intention, as well...