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  • Users: iReef
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  1. I

    Rags to Riches to Rags

    Actually, all the points you make are exactly the points I was trying to make... you thought you were disagreeing with me but I think you just agreed with everything I wrote. Glad to hear not everyone will have that day of reckoning, but I think everyone should be prepared for it... which I...
  2. I

    Rags to Riches to Rags

    ...I registered many domains, set up many wordpress blogs, and made a fair amount of money - to an average of a little over $100 per day. I worked my *** off learning about SEO from places like here and digitalpoint. I set my "quit the day job" goal at $300 per day and was well on my way to...
  3. I

    My 1st $100 day!

    Haven't been around in a while, been awfully busy... But I thought I would update this since today I broke $600 in profit for the first time! After struggling with SEO on several sites, and driving myself a bit insane trying to keep up with the SE's, I decided to try a different approach and...
  4. I

    Building New Affiliate Sites - Don't Put Cart Before Horse

    Good points, IF you're paying for traffic. If you're depending on organic search results for traffic, then I find putting the horse before the cart can be a good idea - get SOMETHING up and indexed while you perfect the site. Because it's going to be several weeks to months before anybody...
  5. I

    What is your favorite Affiliate Network?

    I'm gonna have to go with CJ. Even though they piss me off on a regular basis, I can't set aside the fact that they provide me with better tools for earning - best interface of the big networks by far, better linking options (product page definitely), best variety of good-quality affiliate...
  6. I

    What is your favorite Affiliate Network?

    I'm gonna have to go with CJ. Even though they piss me off on a regular basis, I can't set aside the fact that they provide me with better tools for earning - best interface of the big networks by far, better linking options (product page definitely), best variety of good-quality affiliate...
  7. I

    My 1st $100 day!

    Thanks, sorry to be so long getting back to this thread. I actually hit my first $200 day at the end of May, the next day MSN updated and Google dropped indexed pages and it all came crashing down. I was getting most of my traffic from MSN Serps using the DigitalPoint co-op... I could...
  8. I

    Convert Datafeeds to RSS for Blogs - HOT!!!

    Just wanted to add my short review... I've been using this program for about a month now and it works awesome! Suggestions... Teli, I've already bugged you for a forum. ;) Also, I would love some custom fields to help differentiate my datafeed-sriven sites from those of others. It would...
  9. I

    My 1st $100 day!

    Thanks Mike, definitely plenty of improving to do. I broke $200 in a day shortly before Google and MSN decided to team up and crash my traffic. Hopefully will recover soon.
  10. I

    Researching profitablility of AM

    Welcome! Considering you seem to be completely new to web sites in general, I think you ought to be planning to spend about two years reading everything possible, building sites and learning through trial and error before you can expect to make any serious money. Start by trying to make $100...
  11. I

    50 Affiliate Sites Challenge

    Traffic building is definitely the hardest part... as for "perfect", I've learned that nobody's seeing it for the first couple weeks anyway... might as well start promoting and you'll have something to do while you wait for the hordes to come pounding down your door. :)
  12. I

    50 Affiliate Sites Challenge

    I agree, love the idea and am still tempted to participate. ;) That leads me to a good idea for you, Linda. Why not do an affiliate version of the "V7ndotcom blehblahblah" contest? Pick a merchant, or category, or product, and award prizes to whoever brings home the most bacon . :)
  13. I

    50 Affiliate Sites Challenge

    I love the idea and am tempted to join in, but right now it's just a goal, not a challenge... where's the competition? I can have 50 sites live by tomorrow... doesn't mean they'll make any money by Christmas. Know what I'm saying? :)
  14. I


    I would start by right-clicking and choosing "view source." Then paste that into your own HTML document, be sure to customize it so that you're not ripping off your merchant, and insert your own products, logo, etc.
  15. I

    Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher

    Ah, I see. Sources can be dangerous to your income you know. :)
  16. I

    Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher

    Not sure how you can say for sure Google is better if you haven't tried YPN. I run both, mostly on different sites but in one case through thorough testing I found that YPN works better on some pages of a particular site while adsense works better on other pages. In general, the payout for...
  17. I

    Showing prices VS. not

    Good point Linda, I had the same thought myself. However, people still don't know who the merchant is until they click. So if they are interested in the price, they'll click. And if not, I'm thinking then Adsense would be a great way to pick up the crumbs. I added adsense to the site last...
  18. I

    Showing prices VS. not

    OK another question I'd love to get some thoughts on... With my CJ sites I currently have some that use the store generator and others that use the full product listing (one that currently gets traffic). The product listing doesn't list prices, and so far I've noticed a lower CTR and...
  19. I

    High Paying Keywords - High Traffic Keywords

    Meh, i doubt on an affiliate marketing forum you'll find a whole lot of people who aren't driven by some level of greed... whether's it's because we want to quit our "real" jobs or pay for our kids' college, etc. But traffic won't do you much good if it isn't relevant to your site...
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    Increasing Conversion

    Hmmm... she took the bait but I couldn't land the conversion advice. :) Any tips? ;)