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  1. Graybeard

    What is guest posting ?

    URL that are posted here by free members are marked as nofollow. Any website that values their SEO standing is assumed to do the same. Consequently, this post is not relevant today. But go ahead and do harm to your site for SEO by trying trickery that only counts against you ... I think...
  2. Graybeard

    Sms Marketing now allowed by affiliate networks

    Then do that with sms. However in the US and Malta you will need to be in compliance to protect yourself (if something goes wrong). When you don't own the offer -- you don't make the rules ;)
  3. Graybeard

    Sms Marketing now allowed by affiliate networks

    Most affiliates are painfully ignorant of the laws regarding the use of sms in multi-jurisdictions. For the reason that the affiliate network or their selling partners could become liable for large fines. Have you followed the laws like TCPA and the additional state laws (US) ...
  4. Graybeard

    Is anyone running affiliate offers on Google Ads?

    The usual suspects: **In Elaboration:** 1. **Thin Content** 2. **Lack of Navigation** 3. **Relevance and Context** 4. **Quality of User Experience** 5. **Trustworthiness and Authority** 6. **Over-Optimization and Spammy Tactics**
  5. Graybeard

    Traffic Impact Of AI Overviews

    Actually, Googles Gemini can easily misinterpret user queries as well as context of webpages, just like its older brother "the algorithm", does and spit out some ridiculousness Why doesn't my free traffic convert? :D
  6. Graybeard

    Hello AffiliateFix: Marketing online in 2012 for 3 years, off for 14, Looking forward as to what has progressed after all these years.

    WELCOME ABOARD ... ━━━●────────────── I think basic strategy is the same but the tactics making conversions has evolved with the times.
  7. Graybeard

    New to Affiliate Fix

    WELCOME ABOARD ... ━━━●────────────── We prefer you start your own Intro thread so this thread don't continue for 50 pages ... constantly adding new arrivals.
  8. Graybeard

    New to Affiliate Fix

    WELCOME ABOARD ... ━━━●──────────────
  9. Graybeard

    Why Google Suspends Accounts Due to “Suspicious Payments” and How to Avoid This Problem

    Good luck beating the `machine` This is supposition, however it is a safe assumption. When brand safety and anti-fraud is at risk ...
  10. Graybeard

    How Can We Monetize a Video on Facebook?

    Elmo Clownshoes... and his $56 Billion payday vote ...
  11. Graybeard

    How Can We Monetize a Video on Facebook?

    Short story: If Google does it we should too ... I imagine Elmo Clownshoes will jump on this too.
  12. Graybeard

    How Can We Monetize a Video on Facebook? Most but there are exclusions. ## **In other words, RTFM **
  13. Graybeard

    Official CPA Goal at HilltopAds: Spend less, earn more. New advertising feature of 2024.

    While I agree with the concept; you need to use another more descriptive acronym `CPA` is just too confusing in this context. Maybe CPQ or something like that to distinguish cost-per-acquisition.
  14. Graybeard


    ... Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here. Get with the program this is not an unconditional *drive-by* free advertising zone
  15. Graybeard

    Seeking Help OnlyFans with AI generated nude images?

    ━━━●────────────── Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here. Get with the program this is not an unconditional *drive-by* free advertising zone
  16. Graybeard

    Ask Me Anything Im blocking Google search

    Well Goggle search is still *FREE* free traffic and all of that ... Pretty much so with news being a notable exception. Of course I seldom use Google search. DuckDuckGo works fine for me usually. I very rarely use Chrome. Only for examining things related to any `marketing` to the general public.
  17. Graybeard

    What are the steps of lead generation?

    Reach out, or target your advertising to; a market segment that will be interested (possibly) in your product, in this case to be interested enough, to create a lead. The rest is about designing effective funnels like bridge pages with CTA buttons, forms, or telephone HTML links when dealing...
  18. Graybeard

    JustLegal Marketing LLC

    ... Until your business is approved do not solicit the membership here. Get with the program this is not an unconditional *drive-by* free advertising zone -------------------- BTW the are no Lawyers here for Lawyer SEO,Website Design for Lawyers, ...
  19. Graybeard

    My first campaign and need some help!!

    That's like asking: What age group prefers apples over oranges? My experience is limited to the US and other English speaking markets --and it's no longer current. Things change very rapidly anyway but the 'numbers' still rule IMHO. >>has more conversion and views in this field. What...
  20. Graybeard

    What will Be The Future of SEO?

    What IA? It's referred to as AI (intelligence artificial -- bus blue --I get it :D ) The future of SEO is a billion dollar train wreck, as usual.