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  1. D

    Experienced Programmer For Hire

    Can you send by pm any portfolio links?
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    Welcome! What are you programming?
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    Infographic: SEO checklist

    Nice info-graphic. I have bookmarked it. Thanks!
  4. D

    Attracta SEO

    All your trafic is organic? Do you check it in Analytics?
  5. D

    Hello, fellow affiliates and friends!

    Welcome to our community.
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    Ebook writing some questions. Is it worth it ?

    Write something valuable. Create a landing page and start sell it from there. BE happy if your book will be "stolen" and distributed around: just think about it, you're awesome and people are trying to find it other way than just buying :)
  7. D

    SEO in other search engines

    A good practice is to do onsite optimization and submit to major search engines webmaster area. IMHO, all of them works on the same algorithms. So if you submit to Bing-Yahoo Webmaster Tools there is a dashboard plenty of tools you can use.
  8. D

    Why you use certain SERP Trackers?

    What's the most important feature that you like in certain SERP trackers? Why you use that tracker? I'm working hard with my team on an website that will do SERP tracking and i want to integrate there things that matter for specialists. SEO's, please write something. Really need to know...
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    ProfitPress: Make $100 per sale

    What's your product?
  10. D

    10 Things Google Wished You Knew

    Very sad to hear about: 6. We care about valid HTML ?NOT! :)
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    Google Page Rank

    Thanks for great resources. Now i can be confident in this too. Thanks for research and share.
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    Free Backlinking Tool

    The most safe way to get quality backlinks is to send guest posts to quality blogs related to your site niche. Try to do a research and find 10-15 blogs per month and submit your articles including your link (diversified anchor text). Do it regularly. Repeat this regularlynes :) Don't give...
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    Google Page Rank

    Can be. I would appreciate if i could read about it on an officially source. Is good for you that you are confident in this. I want to be too...that's why i'm asking.
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    Google Page Rank

    Very interesting formula @minstrel. Is there any Matt Cutts(or any other Google worker) post or video regarding how the PR is calculated? No offense please.
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    Choosing the best keywords

    What is your website? Can you share the link (with no link of course). Everyone here is right but only in certain situation. So let's just see first the site and after this to give the feedback?
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    How many hours do you work a day?

    Working for 12 hours for the last 3 years. Hope to drop to 10 hours in the next year...
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    How to earn money?

    Do you have a website?
  18. D

    What am I doing wrong?

    good example here...the idea with the imaginary artist sound perfect..
  19. D

    What do you think of Fiverr?

    newer got good results from fiverr....the site is perfect...but providers are just scammers....spent money for 7 gigs....very small results....