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    The link for the discount doesn't seem to work for some reason.
  2. B PPV Skype Group Chat

    Please add me as well: spiderniki
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    Bing + CPA/CPS offers (the Dojo version)

    Yeah first input - do not direct link. You can go with that for a while on Bing. But is this long term strategy? What is your angle on the offer? Is the advertisers LP good enough for all audiences? Let me give you 2 examples that might make you think about LP (and what is the benefit of...
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    how many LP's are you Running in your VPS

    Try Cloudways. It is a managed cloud service using the infrastructure of DigitalOcean and Amazon. Has several locations around the world and starts from $5 per month. No cPanel/WHM stuff but the platform and services they have running are optimized for speed. Just recently moved to them from...
  5. B PPV Skype Group Chat

    Hopefully this is still active as I want to join in. Skype: spiderniki Got stuff to share but also hope to learn something from others.
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    Trading FREE logo design in return for testimonial

    xploit just finished a design for me. I am impressed really. He has put in the extra mile and done a revision and several versions of the logo and all of that for FREE. The design he did for me is very good. I would pay for it I had to.
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    Official (A ReveueHits Division) [Deleted]

    Is the traffic RON or able to target through keyword/url matching?
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    Angles for promoting PPV offers

    Any way to gain access to Affrobot tools without buying subscription for
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    PPV/CPA Automatic Bidder

    I am also interested in this, would like more details.
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    Looking for TrafficVance referrals

    I am looking for someone to mention as a referral for my TrafficVance application. I am from Bulgaria (and TV generally doesn't take Advertisers from Eastern Europe) so I am trying to get get accepted thanks to a contact I have inside TV. In order to do so I need to provide him with as much...
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    Include price in my ad copy?

    Is it a good idea to include price in my Ad Copy? This is for CPA offers that convert on sale. I guess including a price will lower CTR but improve CR. The CPA offer I refer to is in the weight loss niche.
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    Bing Ads + Prosper202 + Maxbounty. How to set it up properly?

    Works like a charm. I am sending over Subid to Maxbounty instead of the QueryString as it makes more sense and provides me with more data about conversions at etc.
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    Bing Ads + Prosper202 + Maxbounty. How to set it up properly?

    So my Destination URL on Bing looks like this:{QueryString}&MatchType={MatchType} The PHP redirect script is as follows: And the MaxBounty Aff Link:[[subid]]&s2=[[c1]] /Please ignore the XXXX as I want...
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    Google Web Designer

    Looks quite good for inexperienced guys! Worth a try.
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    Hi all - from SEO to PPC

    I am on the same transition as you. From SEO to PPC as I find it a more stable way for income.
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    Bing Ads + Prosper202 + Maxbounty. How to set it up properly?

    Recently I start using Bing Ads PPC to promote few health related offers from MaxBounty. I am using Prosper202 to keep track of everything but unfortunately I am facing some difficulties. My set up is as follows. User Clicks on Bing Ad -> Goes to my domain that has a PHP redirect ->...
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    Bing Ads - exact, broad, phrase. Which to start with?

    I am setting up a test campaign over at Bing Ads and I am wondering with which type of Match Type to start? Should I set bids for all 3 match types or start off only with Exact Match and see what results does that targeted traffic bring me? Also what type of CPC would you advise me to set? If...
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    Request a Guide.

    I'd like a guide regarding Bing Ads + CPA.
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    Average CTR you are getting on 7Search Ads?

    Here is what my two Ad copies look like. *** Get NEWEST iPhone 5C | Click NOW *** Get the latest & best looking iPhone 5C in your favourite color (White, Pink, Yellow, Blue, Green).*** LIMITED AMOUNTS | CLICK NOW OR MISS IT *** ********** FREE Apple iPad 3 ********** DON'T Pay $500 for...
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    Average CTR you are getting on 7Search Ads?

    I'd like to know what is your average CTR that you are getting on your 7Search Ads? I know it depends on the position you are bidding for and your Ad Title & Description Copy but I would just like to have a general guideline. I've ran my two first campaigns on 7Search and I am getting CTR of...