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@MarinaKimia , can we have a 'time out' while I nurse my wounds? I'll just hang out here in the last post for a while and recover from all the fisticuffs.

By the way, did you see what K did there? Sneaky ninja.
@azgold No worries, I´ve redeemed the post from Marc for you, take it away!

@Marc ExcUUuuUUUuUSE me, did you just put us lovely ladies in the same paragraph as "scammers and spammers"? ... :eek: ... Well, oh my, my honour has been deeply hurt for the last time! I demand a duel xD
No prob, Milady, I'll reserve the last post until then for you

Thank-you, Sir Spaminator but I've got this!

They gave me a few nice ideas and suggestions what I'm going to do in the future with all the scammers and spammers. [Emoji: joyfully hands rubbing]

They should be very afraid!

No worries, I've redeemed the post from Marc for you, take it away!

On it, thanks!

@Marc ExcUUuuUUUuUSE me, did you just put us lovely ladies in the same concept as "scammers and spammers"? ... :eek: ... Well, oh my, my honour has been deeply hurt for the last time! I demand a duel xD

Ohhhhh, them's fightin' words! Guess it's back on. Think I'll just stand back in a safe place and watch the fun this time. Both of my eyes are black from this morning's fights.
A question @azgold: Milady, is she, @MarinaKimia, a maidservant of yours or am I allowed to act with her like I want? [Emoji: joyfully hands rubbing]

Oh, my! I somewhat fear your plans for @MarinaKimia - they sound a bit deadly.

However.....I believe she can help affiliates and serve up a can of whoop-ass at the same time, so I think she may be up for the challenge. I leave the decision in her hands.

Please, you two - follow the rules!
- no beheadings
- no wedgies
- no noogies
- no running with scissors

And definitely none of this:

Objection, Milady! The Ban-Hammer belongs to my Service Inventory.
Even if it would be the last thing I'd use
Objection, Milady! The Ban-Hammer belongs to my Service Inventory.
Even if it would be the last thing I'd use

Yeah, I think the Ban-Hammer should stay in the closet for this match. It's really only for official Spaminator business.