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What is a good frequency?


Active Member
Just had a few signups for a newsletter that I'm adding to an existing site. What is a good, expected frequency to send out newsletters? I don't want to over-saturate, but at the same time I don't want to create digital tumbleweeds.

Further more, is it better to cycle through purpose, or make a single email cover multiple purpose? For example, Q&A/feedback, updates, news, ad offers.

Thank you for your valued input!
Just had a few signups for a newsletter that I'm adding to an existing site. What is a good, expected frequency to send out newsletters? I don't want to over-saturate, but at the same time I don't want to create digital tumbleweeds.

Further more, is it better to cycle through purpose, or make a single email cover multiple purpose? For example, Q&A/feedback, updates, news, ad offers.

Thank you for your valued input!
I'm managing a client's e-mail list of around 15k people. I don't send more than twice a day. And when I do send, I make sure it's high quality content and it's something my audience would want. Sometimes though, I don't send for over a week. You gotta figure out yourself, why not ask your audience what they prefer?
Yep, the audience is what determines how frequent you are emailing them and they base this on what it is you are sending. I personally do not blend emails. Each has it's focus. I do newsletters, emails with offers, emails with notifications of content updates on the site(s) that brought them to me, and emails for the opt-in stages of course. I also do a few seasonally appropriate emails. With the newsletters, my people seem to prefer weekly newsletters. All of the others I send are filtered and tailored for the specific audiences and usually go out twice a week.

Remember, as @comegetbravo stated, there are lists that can easily sustain emails more frequently that others, and always make certain the emails are highly valuable!
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Thank you both. I just wrote & scheduled my first email with mailchimp. As I continue to get subscribers, I will take your advise & see what works best for the audience as far as content & scheduling.
There is no limitation for your email frequency as far as you provide real and tangible value to your customers. But you should definitely consider the factors that are favourable for generating high CTR and conversion rates. Considering these factors decide on frequency of the mails you send.
To look for Email Marketing services with higher conversion rates, Value Direct is a place where you would get best outputs.
I had tried a few services from this company for my brand promotions.
Well in my opinon its not so important how often you deliver emails .I think its important the content .I think 1 per day its enought and no less than 1 per week because people will forget you .You must keep in touch with your audience daily
Frequency response specs require a tolerance. Without +xdB(A), such specs are useless.

The best is the tightest. FI, 40Hz-20kHz +3dB is better than 20-25kHz +6dB.
I suppose better to define a random control group firstly and try to send 1-4 times a week through the month and choose the better time, day and content. In this case, you will definitely know what is performing and then make a mailing plan ;)