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Website design


New Member

I was wondering how you all get ideas for a new site layout/design?

Also, have you spent days building a site then decide it looks awfull?

I'm a reasonably confident programmer and if I don't know something I can at least figure out how to do it but where I come unstuck is initial design (aesthetics), I hate ripping off other peoples ideas but alas I also work under the theory that if it can be done it has been done.

I find it fairly easy to expand on an existing idea, as my main role is maintaining my company website this is all I need, but I have been asked to build a new site for the company (very large site) and have agreed to develop some for friends and family which means I need to either buy a template, which I have to admit some look REALLY good but I just don't like the idea of paying for something I should be able to do myself or build from scratch. The company one HAS to be built from scratch, it's not worth my while butchering a template.

When you build sites do you follow a basic pattern? eg Title bar at the top, menu underneath it then page/section contents below (of course there are many) Then fill in each bit? (like paint by numbers)


(I know I write too much, just ignore the padding)
With me, I usually have a rough idea of what I want the site to look like before I begin. I usually do rough layout using MS word and then I use photo editing software to create a design concept, for example look at the attached image, its a rough concept of the new skin I am doing for my website.

I think move things around a bit, try different colours till achieve what I really like. Sometimes like you suggested, I spend hours sometime days on a stuff that I end up discarding :(

I always use div and css combination for webdesigning. For ideas I visit websites like CSS Remix, where I found something special. I make that a little more special;)
Looks pretty clean, nice. I like the glitch/notch in the background fade.

When I start a new site or have been asked for a special function I'll plan it in Fireworks 1st, when it comes to colours I (or get the client to) pick a dominant colour then use a colour wheel to help get the rest. Otherwise

I've seen a few sites and templates which have a title bar then bit of graphic then the menu and the rest of the page. Which I think looks really nice (when done right) but a bit of a waste of valuable space :)

I save all my ideas, even if I don't like them, for later inspiration.

I've still got code lying round from 7 years ago, and images from a year ago (when I started editing graphics).