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Voluum + Bing (template you can use)

New Member
First contribution here as I noticed a few are using Bing and looking for a template they can use in Voluum.

Here is the one I am using. It's basically taking most of the available Bing tokens.

Bing does not have any postback capabilities, nor can it pass bids.

The last 2 parameters are:

They basically insert a text "SearchNetworkDisplay" when traffic comes form Search network.

It's tested and works well and will give you a much better reporting. That's a shame Bing does not pass costs, but that's a good start to track and optimize your campaigns.

Query String and Keyword are different, and I like to have both: Query String is what the visitor exactly entered, and the Keyword is the keyword that was triggered by this query string. I always find it interesting to go through Query Strings to find new keyword ideas as well.

Thank you very much for the template.
The campiagn URL form Voluum you use as destination URL in Bing Ads? Does Bing allow this?
Is it possible to import somehow the conversions from Voluum in Bing Ads so you can easily optimizes your campaigns? I know you can import the conversions registered in Voluum manually in Google Adwords, but what about Bing Ads?
Thank you very much for the template.
The campiagn URL form Voluum you use as destination URL in Bing Ads? Does Bing allow this?
Is it possible to import somehow the conversions from Voluum in Bing Ads so you can easily optimizes your campaigns? I know you can import the conversions registered in Voluum manually in Google Adwords, but what about Bing Ads?
Yes! Bing allows. But I can't see my keywords report, I don't kown why.
BTW, I use AdsBridge instead of Voluum.:)
Bing Ads allow even if the Campaign Url doesn't have the same top level domain as the display?
I am using so I think YES! As long as the dispaly domain is same as the landing domain. For example below:

Display URL:
Landing URL:
Destination URL: (i use AdsBridge here)

Besides, 2 days ago I cut off my landing page so the landing domain is not the same as the display domain, but to my surprise my ads are alive no problem!

I am sure it is not allowed really but my ads are still there. So I think Bing does not catch this error.

Button of line here, you should have a try. JUST DO IT! :ninja:
I am running a ClickBank-Bing Ads campaign and using clickmagic to track which keywords making the conversions. Is there any more advantages other tracking tools have. If they have please list out the advantages and tools details ??
Voluum collect the gclids that later I use to upload my conversions into Google AdWords so I can easily optimze my campaigns. What about clickmagic, how you combline the data from the tracker and Bing Ads?
First I choose click magic the reason is its quite cheap and its possible me to track which keywords making clicks for ads and which keywords making the conversions and more...
First contribution here as I noticed a few are using Bing and looking for a template they can use in Voluum.

Here is the one I am using. It's basically taking most of the available Bing tokens.

Bing does not have any postback capabilities, nor can it pass bids.

The last 2 parameters are:

They basically insert a text "SearchNetworkDisplay" when traffic comes form Search network.

It's tested and works well and will give you a much better reporting. That's a shame Bing does not pass costs, but that's a good start to track and optimize your campaigns.View attachment 4600
Query String and Keyword are different, and I like to have both: Query String is what the visitor exactly entered, and the Keyword is the keyword that was triggered by this query string. I always find it interesting to go through Query Strings to find new keyword ideas as well.

Thanks a lot for this share ! Please i need your opinion on , once we get winning keywords ( Keyword & Querystring ) when we begin scale the compaign up , should we collect the " Keywords " or the " QueryStrin" on our New ad group ? ^^ thanks !