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“Adavice”/  “CPA

review our new look!

Looks great man - 100% improvement

thanks for you business and glad i could help!
Watch your conversation rates for viewer to applicants fly through the roof ;)
Much better than the old look.

I would recommend asking a native English speaker to proofread it for you and correct errors.
Now it really looks proffesional ;)

I would definately make corrections to the grammar. I don't know about others, but it is a huge, HUGE turnoff for me when a network has mistakes, especially when it is such a small ammount of text. And yeah, I know my English is not perfect, and it still bothers me, I expect great language skills from a company.

Put employee pictures rather than the stock photos. Just my 0.02$ - it would make you seem more real in my mind, and more approachable.
I would definately make corrections to the grammar. I don't know about others, but it is a huge, HUGE turnoff for me when a network has mistakes, especially when it is such a small ammount of text. And yeah, I know my English is not perfect, and it still bothers me, I expect great language skills from a company..

Yeah this is exactly what I was thinking.

Site looks awesome but correct the grammar mistakes it makes you look less professional which is the last thing you want to do if you're an affiliate network.