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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Per aspera ad astra

Sorry for such big pause.

After having bad results with mobile traffic, i decided to return to desktop traffic, where i had some results.
So in september i was making about 100$ per day in FB/VK and some social posts.
This month i had even better results, until FB banned my acc :)

Here is more one my topic, with details about it.
Seems like, FB is looking by IP, thats why ads in new acc does not getting any impressions.
What do you think?
have really dark band on fb. Did not ever think, that such problems can be, when campaign is profitable. :eek:
While i am working on new accounts and new good ads regarding to FB policy, i thought i can bring new clients from mobile banners.

Trying to get leads with mmedia and decisive. My ideal candidate network should have category targeting, age, and _language.
Should i try some other network? Do you have experience in forex promotion in mobile?