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Matt Cutts Talks About Static URLs with Mod-Rewrite


New Member
We had two new exciting posts about making applications more search engine friendly with mod_rewrite . Melky has just created a text link selling application which he is currently making more search engine friendly with mod_rewrite, he has posted a tutorial on mod_rewrite here.

I just though I will post Matt Cutts of Google says about mod_rewrite here to compliment the recent posts and discussions on mod_rewrite.

This post is link to a video, where Matt Cutt's talks about using static vs. dynamic URLs. I hope I have linked the video correctly, if it does not play automatically, you can watch it from its original source: [GVIDEO][/GVIDEO]

Matt Cutts said "PageRank flows to dynamic URLs similar to static - however, dynamic URLs can definitely have too many parameters.

He recommends using 2-3 parameters at most, and avoid parameters with numbers to prevent the search engine crawlers from mistaking them for session IDs. Site back and enjoy the video
Matt said that "PageRank flows to dynamic URLs similar to static" with really serious face. I just can't understand that why I don't experienced that so far:D
I think it seem to take time, I have experienced this at an non seo friendly shopping cart I optimised. I followd another Google persons advice (this was about 3 years ago) he suggested that you creat a static page, to point to your dynamic pages, I did this and all my non-SEO friendly pages did get PR