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Lyco webhosting

  • Thread starter ultimate handyman
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ultimate handyman

I have used Lycos web hosting for a few domain names in the past and have often recommended them to other people. Now I regret it !

Some of you will be aware that is offline and has been for 4 days so far, this is because the Lycos control panel will not accept the new ip addresses of the new server for the site. Now it looks like it could be another three days before the issue is resolved.

I sent them a ticket over this and even telephoned them about it and they said that it was my new web hosts fault, I contacted the web hosts and they said it was Lycos's fault. I then telephoned Lycos (0870 number- only available 8am-5pm monday to friday) and they said it was my webhosts.

My new web hosts recommended that I move the domain name out of Lycos and so I started the procedure online a couple of days back. I just telephoned Lycos support and they were very unhelpful, saying that you cannot use the Lycos control panel to point a domain to a dedicated server- despite the fact that it has been pointing to a different dedicated server for the last couple of months. I then asked them for an authorisation code and they said that they could not do this over the phone and that I had to use the online form, which will be answered in the next 72 hours.

I cannot believe that a well known company like Lycos can run a business like this. Their support is only available during office hours and then you have to wait three days for a response or call their rip off 0870 number.

I remember now why I stopped using their hosting service only a few months after signing up for it, their service really sucks!

I guess the moral of the story is do not use Lycos.
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Ultimate handyman, name server for is pointing to
Name Server:NS59.1AND1.CO.UK
Name Server:NS60.1AND1.CO.UK
It could well be 1 and 1 fault, I moved a few sites to 1 and 1 last week, the sites did not work, I contacted 1 and 1 and got the message below:
Thank you for contacting us.

Please accept our apologies. However, we have had some unexpected
hardware issues and a database switch was required. In this light,
domain registrations, updates, internal and external transfers and
deletion requests are being queued and will be processed tomorrow after
the tools have been restarted. We appreciate your patience on this
matter and rest assured we will take necessary measures to avert this in
the future.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Technical Support
1&1 Internet
The reason your site is off line in my openion is to do with 1 and 1 and not lycos because your name server is poiting to 1 and 1 at the moment. I suggest you contact them.
The site used to be on the 1and1 server, but it has since been moved to a new server with infrenion.

I have cancelled the server with 1and1 and told them to release the domain, which they have done.

Then I chenged the dns settings in the Lycos control panel to point to - - -

When I did this it came up with error 2- contact support. I contacted them through their online form and also phoned their rip off 0870 number and the woman said that it was because the two ip addresses are too close together. I then contacted infrenion and also gave them my details so that they could log into Lycos and change the dns settings themselves as I was pretty rude towards them as Lycos said it was their fault.

Infrenion could not change the settings either and so even tried pointing the domain name to one of their shared servers (which have hundreds of sites on) and that would not work either.

The advice from infrenion was "I would highly suggest you to get your domain transferred away from them as it seems they do not offer full control over your dns and hence you are facing so many issues.."

Yesterday I started to transfer the domain name out of Lycos and today I called them to get an authorisation code. They would not give me an authorisation code and said that I had to email them using the online form, which can take anything up to 72 hours to get a response.

Obviously I was not happy about this and explained that my site had been offline for 4 days, the guy did not care and said that Lycos domain handling does not work with dedicated servers, despite the fact that I have just moved the site from a 1and1 dedicated server.

Lycos clearly do not know what they are doing and do not give a damn.

I will never trust a web host that only sells shared hosting and has a support system that takes three days to get an answer and offers paid help via a 8070 telephone line, during office hours!
Ahh, now I see a different picture. One lesson I also think you should learn from this to to have your site pointing to its new home before canceling previous hosting arrangement. Its not nice that your site is down and the dns is still stuck on 1 and 1.

I hope you get the transfer code quickly from Lycos so that your site can get back online.
The thing is that I changed the settings in the Lycos panel to point to the new site and it seemed to accept them. A few days later I contacted 1and1 and asked them to release the domain as they lock it in or something. I then went back to Lycos to double check the dns settings and they had reverted back to the 1and1 settings, although I am 100% certain that I changed them to the new infrenion settings.