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I built my first site


New Member
Hey everyone I have built my first bodybuilding affiliate site.
I have been writing articles like crazy and have 3 more im gonna post, but when i went to commision junction they asked for a tax ID Im lost on that
any help?
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Tax ID is for a business. If you are doing business as an individual,
which most affiliates are, then you just use your social security number.
That being said, if you are going to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing, for tax reasons it might be a good idea set yourself up as a company.

But thats only later when you are making big bucks!;)
Just wanted to say congrats on getting your site up. Looks like you are really motivated
Like the idea of you writing so many articles
Are you posting these on your site or using article directories to get backlinks and visitors to your site?

Good luck
Im not sure what a back link is but Ive been posting these on my blog about 1 a day or so, I'm really motivated and willing to work hard, Ive been posting it on a lot of bodybuilding sites I have about 30 unique visitors a day on average but no revenue unfortunately how do I get more people and what directories etc?
Im not sure what a back link is but Ive been posting these on my blog about 1 a day or so, I'm really motivated and willing to work hard, Ive been posting it on a lot of bodybuilding sites I have about 30 unique visitors a day on average but no revenue unfortunately how do I get more people and what directories etc?

A backlink is a link to your site from someone else's site. It is one of the factors that the search engines use to determine how important your website is and where it should appear in the results page for a search engine query. I think you really need to spend some time learning about backlinks. It is a main focus of affiliate marketers because of the obvious advantage of free traffic

If your website appears in the number one position of a search engine eg Google for a highly searched query, a lot of visitors will naturally come to your website

Other ways of generating traffic to your site are social bookmarking. ALso you could consider including a link to your site in your signature
Good luck
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Hi nattayb,

Looks like you are on the right momentum. Congratulation on that. :D

Maybe it is time for you to start collecting these visitors to your list. Offer them something free like weekly body building tips to get them sign to your list. You can promote your product while you share your tips.

Hope that helps. :D
Hey nattayb,

Congratulation on your site.

Also, I wonder how do you get success in pulling in average 30 unique visitors a day to your site cos I could hardly pull in 1-2 visitor a day despite having my site already started article marketing.:confused:

I guess my frustration is how do I get visitors to my website and to even visit my blog (as I'm in the midst of creating one).

Hope you could share some of your littel success which would be really useful for me.

Thanks and best regards,