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How to get started in Youtube + PPD/CPA


New Member
Just a quick write up that hopewilly will help some newbies.


Using the ever-so-popular, saturated gaming niche for an example

Forgive the grammar and punctuation, I am not going to edit this to perfection - I'm typing it up fast because I have work to and there's money to be made

I suggest buying some PVA (phone verified accounts) from fiverr, make sure you get atleast 20+ for $5 cuz there's definitely people out there that will do it.

Alternatively you can use a mass amount of simcards, but for a tiny $5 i prefer someone else doing it for me

Also make sure you have CCLeaner (it's free google it, it's a must for youtube marketing)
You're going to want to use Ccleaner everytime you upload videos on an account and switch to another one to upload, or when you are creating new accounts.

Google is very smart and can mass ban multiple accounts at once if they find a footprint between them. Trust me, it's happened to me plenty of times and it's not fun

Now you can either copy other people's videos or use your own, I suggest using your own because you have a less chance that someone will report you (it happens regardless, but you have more of a chance of losing a video if you steal someone's)

Now if you are lazy, have a shitty mic, lazy, lazy, or just really lazy and you have to steal someone's videos. Then get a md5 hash changer and change the hash for each video that you steal and reupload, if you don't then youtube automatically recognizes it's a duplicate video and it's not going to rank as well as unique content (it still will, but not near good enough) Or alternatively you can put it in a video editing software and cut some parts off or whatever, i suggest changing music and things around too

oh and WATERMARK IT!!! If your video gets popular then there's a good chance other people are going to steal it, before you know it there are dozens around with the same video, so watermark it and if the people still want to steal it then they are just advertising it for you, have your money site on every single frame of the video and in a place where they wouldnt be able to take it out unless they ruined the video

So maybe you don't want to steal someone's video, good - first look at some successful ones (be wary cuz they may look like they are popular but chances are the comments, views, and likes are all fake) just find one that looks good to YOU and looks professional enough

now watch a few of these videos and note down the parts that seem the most enticing to you

invest in a decent mic and make a keygen (i'm assuming you are in the gaming hacks/keys niche)

You can easily make a keygen in VB, it takes like 20 minutes to get the hang of and then you can make a 'skeleton' to create dozens more in just a few minutes. there a plenty of videos on youtube that explain this - make sure u look at a tutorial with the same program with the same year as some features may change around and it may be hard to figure it out for yourself based on an older version of the progam

write down a commentary and screencap yourself using the generator you have made, remember to not just do this in a lazy mindset, make it look professional and good as if it's a real program that a team of hackers made or something - most people don't know how easy it is to make a keygen so it's important to make it look like the creator knows what they are doing

now this is really going to increase conversions,

add a video of PROOF

whether it be gameplay of someone using hacks, gameplay of the game in general (if you're advertising a key or something similar) or say someone entering microsoft points or a minecraft key into their system and receiving the full points/game/codes or whatever

make sure you have your money site in the video for the whole duration, it doesn't have to be a big ugly text - i suggest making it transparent and overlapping it over the mid region or so, where they can't cut it out

If you're too lazy to do this then just give up, there's a lot of reward that can be gained for spending a few hours refining a very good looking video and everything

Now you are going to want to boost views. I use some view exchange sites like hitleap and such but I personally prefer buying HIGH RETENTION views. You can get 10,000 90-100% retention views for less than $7

Use enhance views for custom comments ; to gain quick credits, use the commenting on other people's videos way, you get a few hundred credits per comment posted and it works at a ratio of you can buy about 3 custom comments per 1 you have posted (maybe even more)

Make sure the comments are quality so that they go through, if you spend 10 minutes doing this then you could gain like 20-50 custom comments. When you enter custom comments for your own video when you are spending your points then make the comments look good and don't use crappy grammar or punctuation - people will think they are bots and they will be right. Also don't go too over the top, most real people aren't going to leave a whole paragraph comment based on a keygen. A sentence or two max should be alright

Now for likes, I personally never buy likes. I use addmefast and manually subscribe and share facebook posts for points, it works at around a 1:1 ration for likes per share or comment and I'd say you can get around 50 or so in 10 minutes if you stay at a good pace.

A good thing about addmefast is that you can allocate how many credits you want to pay for the like, I usually put around 8-9 if I want the views near instant and fast but the cool thing about this site is that you can put the cost at like say 5 or so and you will get around 50% more likes in the end, it will take longer but really that's a good thing because a slow steady stream of likes is going to be much more important than a mass amount and then non after.

Instead of spamming 10,000's of views all at once, space them out. One major thing about youtube ranking is that it takes time and you will be rewarded by staying consistent

Hope this helps

If you have any questions feel free to ask me, I will do my best to answer. I am no expert, but I want to provide some advice that will help people that don't know where to start and give an insight to what the majority of people do.

Next post I will discuss landing pages and such if enough people see this.
Where we can find this High retention viws with less than 7$ ??? also my videos are all in 301+ for two weeks ago ?? any idea Why ?