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How long takes DMOZ to accept a site?


New Member

I have submitted my website to Dmoz and I'm wondering how much time takes to accept or reject it?
I submitted mine ages ago and haven't heard a thing. I reckon they're so inundated by submissions they've effectively ground to a halt (although I'd be happy to find out otherwise).
Just submit and forget. It can take months, even years to get into Dmoz. There used to be a forum where you could ask Dmoz editors about the progress of your listing (haven't checked it out recently) and that could sometimes help, but there's just not enough editors.
Just submit and forget. It can take months, even years to get into Dmoz. There used to be a forum where you could ask Dmoz editors about the progress of your listing (haven't checked it out recently) and that could sometimes help, but there's just not enough editors.

Yeah i agree, it really sucks how unuser friendly that directory has become..
Don't worry to much about dmoz, there are better places you can submit your site, where they generally get listed either instantaneously or within a short period of time.

Sign up on the many dofollow/nofollow forums, and keep some links in your signature, most of them don't mind that you do this. This is both a great way to promote your site, as well as a nice source to backlinks in some cases.

Then we have Social Bookmarking sites, those are some of the better places to submit sites. Some of them also uses dofollow links, but in any case its still some nice places to promote your sites.

Guestbooks are mainly only good for backlinks, blogs is a bit better when promoting. Finally we have directories, other then dmoz of cause.

Simply submit your site and move on, dmoz is more or less useless, and the backlinks you get from a listing, is easily made up for within a few days of dedicated SEO.
Dmoz is a 100% free and human edited directory. So, it may takes months to review the submitted site.
So, it may takes months to review the submitted site

and this is the problem. Dmoz is pointless, like all the others gets just one thing - webmaster's adding their sites. They don't go their to search, they go to add sites.

A site where noone searches is pointless. If there are no searches, there's no traffic, and that fits nicely into the constant complaining about dmoz, which is on every forum going.

You won't get any traffic from dmoz - it's full of webmaster sites, and those sites dont get any traffic, so no traffic.

I dont see what the big deal is, its easy to submit, just spend a few minutes submitting then forget about it, eventually you will get in.
I submitted my site to dmoz nearly 2 years ago and still no luck!

What annoys me is that in the section that I submitted too there are a good handful of sites that are 'dead'.
I submitted my site to dmoz nearly 2 years ago and still no luck!

What annoys me is that in the section that I submitted too there are a good handful of sites that are 'dead'.

Dead links, really. That doesn't surprise me one bit, but again its only the webmaster freebie hunter that visits dmoz. I can't believe that dmoz gets real searchers looking for information.

it not that kind of site.
The reason there is so much clamor for DMOZ listing is that it used to be THE Directory,its now just a shadow of what it used to be
Yes, word about the web, is Dmoz is not a 'listing' service and is a resource for it's owners and only them. Much corruption and back handers involved, and people simply joining as editors to keep out the editor's competition.

It's a pile of crap. I think it gets majority of US link droppers and that's about it, it's intent of appearing as a quality things kills itself as a useful resource as many sites can't get in, which goes against 'search' - but each to their own........

The quality thing clearly fails bcos they get so much spam anyway, so right off, it's regarded by many as open invitation to list any website - so people don't see it as listing specialist/quality sites. It fails on the listing issue right away.

They messed up by making it too advantageous if listed, and now they have too much unwanted spam sites than they can handle. Dumb move, very dumb and just shows they don't know what they are doing.

They should close it down for the following reasons:

It may have a goal, but it's not working
Dmoz attracts spam like a magnet
It's non-for profit, so it's tough to buy in anti-spam measures etc
Vounteers are untrustworthy and have agendas
It's existence is pointless - it only gets submitters
Provides no real information, that can't be found elsewhere
Fails to live upto it's claim of listing quality sites
Constant arguments and complaining surrounds it, creating a bad reputation.

I have submitted my website to Dmoz and I'm wondering how much time takes to accept or reject it?
Typically months, might be years or not listed at all. If it's gone over a year I'd consider submitting again, but ensure you read and abide by all the DMOZ rules exactly.
I've read that only your latest submission (per domain) is counted, not sure how true that is. So it's probably best that you don't go submitting another form if you're not listed yet as it may well rule out your first submission and send you to the bottom of the list again.

On a side note has anyone tried applying to be an editor? From what I understand you can have a competitor (if your website is commercial) editing the category you want to put your website in and therefore never letting you in but I would hope there's guidelines and rules in place to prevent this from happening