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Could it be my breakthrough ??

Anas Lidiri

New Member
First of all thanks to however will advice me on this riddle.
So it is obvious that I am a noob but what I am about to say will even prove it more
I have been surfing on SEOCLERKS market and I have found some really cheap deals to get traffic and I am in a low budget so that have immediately got my attention
the question here is it preferable to promote my CPA offers with that kind of deal
As it been said by the seller it is cool to promote affiliate links
and I am here now seeking is this and advised and profitable thing to do or should I keep learning and focusing more to get a better ideas to start
And thank you

Hi, @Anas Lidiri . I've never used SEOClerks, though I've read some good things about the site. Still, my spidey senses tell me to pass along a caution to you.

Are you able to verify the quality of traffic? If the supplier does anything shady or has crap traffic, you could lose your commissions or network account. It might be fine, I don't know but that's the first question that comes to my mind.

Also, is the supplier able to geo-target to the countries allowed in the offer?

The traffic sources you're looking at, are they for display advertising, or something else?
Hi, @azgold
First of all, all hail to your spidey senses :)
I have followed your tips the least I can say is that the supplier have a quiet good profile and history on the Site
and he provides and prove his tools by collaborating with well known companies like Which will be a one of the principal keys on that deal Rather than that I am still really on my first steps but I will try my luck and keep focusing to know more and Thanks for the respond and advice I really appreciate it
Poor quality traffic can result in:
  • poor quality results
  • affiliate network bans
  • poor reputation as an affiliate
  • a message from Tom Hanks saying, "run Forrest run!"
Sites like this are a double edge sword. Cheap, but dangerous.

Are you planning to use SEO to drive traffic? If so, be sure to know you will be waiting a very long time. It takes time to develop a lasting quality position with the SE's. As well, if there is even the hint of manipulation in the SEO done for you, the SE's will eventually identify it and de-index your site.

We see this from many entering this business. Trying to use a shoestring budget to compete in the market place. It rarely works out well. If you are not a traffic aficionado yet, if you have not taken the time to become well acquainted with traffic sources and practices yet, then you have no business hiring out this kind of work before you do. How can you effectively hire an outsourced vendor for your business without knowing the ins and outs of the product or service you require?

I highly recommend you start with a 2nd or 3rd tier paid traffic source. Remember, if you are new to this business, your first two or three months is not about earning as much as it is about learning to master a single traffic source, mastering a tracker, learning to identify and funnel prospects for conversions, learning the art of split testing everything, becoming an authority in a niche, establishing budgets and schedules, and the other associated areas of your business. You must develop your skill sets in one select group of tools, one niche, and one traffic source, before you do anything else. once you have, then you can expand laterally and vertically. Shortcut this process and you will be jumping the fence every few weeks.

In addition, when in doubt about a traffic source, ALWAYS consult your AM before launching the campaigns!
@T J Tutor
Thanks for the respond Sir and my promises I will make sure to take those steps with more focus in the future
As for the campaign it did not end well obviously but it is one of those moment when you feel like yes there must a long process to master some abilities that will make my moves bring some benefit but there it is it come that "lazy hope i can make it in a glimpse" attitude that gets me to nowhere and thanks so much for reminding me of the amount of months until I can really get to make some beneficial hits with that next time when I find an offer like that sure I will stop myself and keep learning

Finally Thank you for all the help you provide to all the newbies in this joint.