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Best Mobile Traffic for CPI

Hello Guys

As the title says, which traffic source would you recommend for apps install. I have tried Popads and it sucks for me and I tried StartApp, launched 4 campaigns there with very little conversions using CPC. So I'm a bit lost and a bit afraid to go around shopping for traffic. Please share your thoughts

Hello. You can try that will boost your apps ranking at a comparably low cost. You can also go to offering may free apps a day.
What kind of app installs are you trying to run?

If it's game apps, then find apps & sites that would be relevant to your offer.

Personally, my most successful app install campaigns have almost ALWAYS been on Google Adwords, creating very specific targeting campaigns.

Running adult traffic to an app is very rarely allowed, if ever now. So even if you do get it profitable, I highly advise against it, as you'll get kicked off the offer almost immediately.
In Google, it states error like "Site Violates Policy", "Final URL Mismatch", etc. and due to the same reason my ADs gets disapproved when i am promoting Mobile App Installs with a third-part tracking URL.
Facebook and Google won't help you out with CPI App Installs. Your ads wont get approved at all and still if you want to run in over there, you need to be smart enough to cloak their Bots. Rest you can try out with Archy for Incent and Appthis for Non Incent CPI offers. You will only for Installs and not Clicks. Hope this helps!