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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Best Adnetwork in Global?

Burst assigns pricing with advertisers established, in part, on the level of what targeting is requested. How wide or narrow is the sought after viewing audience. The competitive marketplace also controls price.
Hi Everyone.

I want to test some Ad Networks please suggest which Adnetwork is paying high Ecpm in Global.

Which want to chose among the following please suggest.

1) Tribal Fusion
2) Burst Media Network
3) Adtegrity
4 Globaladspace
5) CPX Interactive
6) ValueClick Media
7) Intergi
8) Clicksor

Looking for your Replays...............

Hi there!

You should test HilltopAds. We will be very glad to see your traffic in our network, as well as pay a good price for it ;)

Join HilltopAds, use our in-home smart ad server solution with live statistics, and get your payment every Monday.

I can send you all the required information via PM. Also, do not hesitate to reach me if you have any related questions.