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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Adwords advise needed


Active Member
So i want you guys opinion about the following.

I run several CPL campaigns, and started on 04-05-20 with a new campaign. I have made several sub-groups for the keywords like Broad/Group/Exact targeting. Each sub-group has about 30/40 Text-ads in them for best A/B testing. and with al groups combined its about 500 advertisements.

First 5 days i have set the campaign going for maximize conversies. And so far spend about: €915,00 and made: €1135

(So not to bad) first 2 days i was in negative ROI, and now each day 100% ROI so far. But i also see that Google is keep decreasing the CPC bid... which lowers my income... My target is 50% ROI , but i need to keep volumes high, as i have a big budget that i need to spend (due to my business model)

Now i'm just wating untill the first 5 days of the learning are over, but now i'm wondering, when the 5 days are over, what should you do?

A) Go for ROA campaign setting
B) Go for CPA Goal

Important for me (like i already said) keeping the clicks volume high, as the CVR is pretty high anyways (almost always 20/25% CVR)

Also of course, when i'm going to switch campaign settings, i will start excluding bad performing ads
A well-structured AdWords account is a must if you want your ad spend to turn a profit. The foundation of a well-structured account is all about relevancy. Using a Google Ads optimization tool such as RecommendMe could be a good bet. The service analyses your account data 24/7 and pinpoints where you can improve. You can then immediately drop what isn’t working, optimize what is and roll out proven PPC techniques. I believe you can try this kind of services for free and understand if this approach works with you. Hope this helps.
Next time please read the actual question.
But i also see that Google is keep decreasing the CPC bid

If your earnings have decreased because of a drop in CPC, you may have blocked too many advertisers, ad networks, general or sensitive categories, this can decrease CPC because there are fewer advertisers in the auction bidding on your inventory.