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$50 A Day Without A Website


New Member
Hello everyone, I heard somebody telling that they earn $50 a day without any website. Is this true? anybody earn here $50 a day or more? Please share the method here...thank you.:confused:
I would say it's with paid traffic promoting CPA offers. Just need a squeeze page if you want too test two of them to see what works best for that offer
Also I've seen you can have a Facebook and build your followers from there. And later on, start monetizing.
Yes it is very possible to make money without a website, however I would not recommend doing only this because you will be missing out on other revenue generating avenues. paid search, banner placement and anything associated with direct linking would be considered advertising without a website. You could also white label products, but then again you would need a website for that. simply getting people to click on your link is not enough. You need to form relationships with people first, this is where the long process comes into play.
Because of recent experience, I would say that TeeSpring is an option if you can come up with really creative and unique angles. Your traffic channels are where the real challenges will be.
if you want to earn money without website then try video marketing and social media marketing. My online income come from youtube only. so i only focused on youtube right now.
I do both.. But Clickbank is my income source. adsense isn't my source of income.. Adsense take 5 month to reach $100..LOl..

Yeah, I can imagine. :) I have a couple of relatively popular videos on YT, but AdSense income is very low from them.

Do you have a popular channel and do not need to rank the videos or do you give them a little boost from time to time?

I have a YT channel with 3000+ subscribers, but I don't sell anything (yet), I'm just showcasing my apps and random stuff. However, 3000+ seems to be a small crowd to get any traction from. I suppose I'd need at least 50.000 subscribers for anything substantial. So, if I'd want to sell anything, I would need to advertise my videos, use social media, and do some grey hat stuff, I guess. :)
Nope..i don't have any popular videos. actually i make videos for niche which i can dominate and build backlinks. So my video will be in top 10 position. So sales coming. i did everything step by step. Now i sit back and watching sales(not much but enough)
yeah it is possible do youtube marketing. Look around the forum, there are some great methods for ranking your youtube video.
maybe they are using mailing list or maybe they just have Landing Page like i did in their Server ...etc
You don't need a website of your own to make money - all you need is platform to connect/capture the attention of your target market. This can be video sites, free publishing sites, groups, etc. That said, although you could very well earn this way, the best way is to have and own your own site/platform so that you are in full control of your business and no one can snatch it away from you.