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5 Star second anniversary Fun Thread


<b><font size=2>In Memoriam - Loyal Administrator<
June 25, 2007 will be the second anniversary of 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums. That is two months from today.

This is going to be a big event all around the world. It will be on the front pages of newspapers and on magazine covers. The anniversary will receive massive coverage on television and online.

5 Star members will have big parties because this is the event of the year.

Politicians, top television and movie stars are planning very large celebrations. They wouldn't want to miss this.

Maybe I slightly exaggerated.

You totally made me spew coffee all over my monitor!!! :p
You are a HOOT! :D

But seriously it is a bit of a big deal because to have a forum grow to over 3,000 in 2 years is quite an accomplishment. And I owe it all to Larry our administrator, our dynamic moderators and most of all our members.

The good active members at 5 star are the magnet that helps attract other good members and I appreciate EVERY ONE OF YOU!

That said - we are going to be having some contests.
We are going to have some BIG contests.
Stay tuned to the 5 Star channel!
Lisa, parties are being organized and will be held in every major city in the world. These parties will be televised around the world to billions of people.

A party is even planned to be held aboard the International Space Station.

Party hats will be available on the day of the party. All you need to do is go to the largest convention center near you, pick up your party hat and join the party.
HEHEHEHHE Larry you're killin' me!!!

So we don't all have to celebrate remotely each in our little corner of the world,
I will be opening a live chat room so we can all hang out and celebrate together.

No open bar though. Larry and I dont drink so you guys need to bring your own.:p
It was announced today that Rosie O'Donnell is leaving "The View" on ABC television around the end of June.

Barbara Walters has announced that there will be a special edition of "The View" televised from California on June 25, 2007 in honor of the 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums second anniversary. Linda will replace Rosie O'Donnell on that special show.

Donald Trump agreed to be on the June 25th show once he learned that Linda would be there and Rosie O'Donnell wouldn't.

He will fly back to New York after the show in order to host the big 5 Star Anniversary Party that he is throwing at Trump Tower.
I think I will be a little more serious in this post than my previous ones in this thread.

When the second anniversary of 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums rolls around on June 25, 2007 the membership is likely to be close to 4,000. The 4,000 mark looks to be a little out of reach right now, but something in the 3,800 area is possible. That is a fantastic achievement in 2 years.

Does anyone want to make a prediction? How many 5 Star members do you think there will be on June 25, 2007, the second anniversary?
Larwee - your Rosie, Barbara, Donald post cracked me up too!
Not sure how I missed it. The forum is just getting so busy it's hard to keep up!

Now on your more serious note - I need to work on 2nd Anniversary
contest ideas. You just gave me my 1st one!

Got a Crystal Ball??? Guess the member count on our 2nd Anniversary!

As Larry knows I get so busy I've missed lots of contest opportunities for the forum because I just didn't have time to create contests.

Well our 2nd Anniversary is going to be BIG and Larwee is helping me get started early by posting about this in public and giving me the motivation to make this event a priority - starting now!

So I will announce and commit in advance that I will be giving away
AT LEAST $1,000 in prizes out of my own pocket and will also be asking our 5 star merchants and member merchants to contribute prizes.

I will start a new official contest thread over the weekend and start adding contests that you can participate in now. We'll have contests BUILDING UP TO the Anniversary so on D'day (or shortly thereafter) we can announce the winners and give away some MOOLAH and PRIZES!

Anyone else have any contest ideas for me???
Who wants some of my money??? :p
We WILL be having the contest I mentioned above and many others, but some things came up and I can't write out all the rules and design the contest today.

Plus I'd like to see if I can get some ideas from members and also want a chance to try to drum up some additional prizes from 5 Star merchants.

Plus the anniversary is almost 2 months away and as excited as we are to start contests, I just think I jumped the gun a little. (Larwee got me so psyched up with all his fun posts above!) :p

So I think starting contests 6 weeks in advance will be plenty of time. I will add contests and Anniversary related news and updates just as soon as I can.

The big anniversary is exactly 8 weeks from today. The tension continues to build. Things are going to be fun and they are going to be exciting.

As we countdown to the big day, I thought I might mention some of the highlights from the past 2 years.

I'll start with this:

What 5 Star thread do you think has been viewed the most times?

I'll save you the trouble. It is this one http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...shopster-drop-ship-affiliate-program-hot.html

Larwee had us all fooled. We used to think he was SOOOOO serious.
He's been cracking me up for days with this thread! :p

Great idea Larry to feature highlights from the past 2 years.

You can even make fun of me if you want.

How about finding a "Linda's biggest bloopers and blunders thread."
I'm sure you can find one I wrote when I was too tired to post
or multi-tasking, that either has a really convoluted answer or
more than 5 typos in the thread. :p

When you live on a forum like I do, it's bound to happen! :D
President Bush Honors 5 Star

President George W. Bush has proclaimed June 25, 2007 as National 5 Star Day. He says it is a day for all Americans to honor 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums.

There will be a rare Joint Session of Congress as members of the United States House of Representatives and members of the United States Senate join together in full agreement to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums.

Everyone running for president has agreed to suspend campaigning on that day. Since it is such an important day no candidate will attempt to raise money that day. They will all spend the day working together on a large 5 Star membership drive. The presidential candidates all want to see as many people as possible become 5 Star members.

The highlight of the evening will be when all of the presidential candidates get together to help bring attention to 5 Star by participating in a food fight. The candidates will wear 5 Star t-shirts and then throw pies and ice cream at each other. After that they will cover each other with mustard, ketchup and honey.
"The highlight of the evening will be when all of the presidential candidates get together to bring attention to 5 Star by participating in a food fight. The candidates will wear 5 Star t-shirts and then throw pies and ice cream at each other. After that they will cover each other with mustard, ketchup and honey."

You're killin me Larry. This whole thread has cracked me up...
but that one gave me a gut wrenching belly laugh that won't stop.
I can hardly type, I'm laughing so hard!!! :D

You never cease to amaze me!!! :p
I read every post in order to help me know what is going on within the community and to try to make it possible for me to do the best job possible. It is a bit of a challenge when things get real busy around here.

There are some posts which are worthy of some attention and I'll mention some of them during the next few weeks as we get closer to the second anniversary.

During the past 2 years, this is the thread that has received the most replies of all the thousands of 5 Star threads http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5...d-start-over-what-would-you-do-different.html
Yep that thread has not only the most replies but some of the best advice from a ton of smart people who've "been there and done it!"
This is another serious post.

There is going to be more than one contest to celebrate the second anniversary. The exact number of contests hasn't been decided yet.

You already know about the membership count contest. There is also going to be a big contest that will be the main contest. I can't tell you anything about that one now. It has a very good first place prize that I'm sure a lot of people would want to win.

Contest details will be announced soon.
Linda was a big winner today at the Kentucky Derby.

All of you know that the 2nd anniversary of 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums is big news all over the world.

Queen Elizabeth II is visiting the United States for 6 days. She is taking part in many big events. She wants to enjoy herself as much as possible while here.

Because they have been hearing so much about 5 Star, both Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, wanted to meet Linda. They arranged a special flight for Linda to be their guest at the Kentucky Derby today.

Linda decided to place a bet but didn't know what horse to pick. Someone said something about a horse named Street Sense. She thought he said AdSense. That sounded like a winner to her so she told them to place her $1,000 bet on that horse.

Street Sense ended up winning the Kentucky Derby and Linda won $11,800 which she will probably gladly share with 5 Star members.

Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip and Linda watched the race from the fourth-floor clubhouse balcony overlooking the finish line.

Linda and Queen Elizabeth II spent some time talking with each other at Churchill Downs after the race. They will see each other again in the next few days at some big events honoring 5 Star. I will keep you informed.
"Someone said something about a horse named Street Sense. She thought he said AdSense. That sounded like a winner to her so she told them to place her $1,000 bet on that horse."

Too late today for coffee, so you have me spewing water all over my brand new monitor.
Seriously funny Larry. :D You never cease to amaze me. :p