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  1. RedHat39

    The Disease That Will Kill Your Affiliate Business Before It Starts...

    Good post Joseph. This is actually the first in my top 10 list of new online marketers mistakes report that I just wrote, except I titled the chapter "Striving For Perfection"
  2. RedHat39

    New to all this help please

    Doesn't the Associate-o-matic have a forum itself for users? At least I thought they did. The program has been around for years. Edit: Just looked it up and they do. Here is the link:
  3. RedHat39

    A Good Website With Useful Info

    I ran across this website tonight and it appears to have a lot of good useful tactics for all sorts of things from Affiliate Marketing, Internet and Article Marketing, Web 2.0 tricks and a whole lot more. Affiliate Marketing Tactics - Specific Action Steps Enjoy!
  4. RedHat39

    Making affiliate commissions from ebay...

    The eBay commissions 50% - 75% are on eBay fees for posting and final value fees when the auction successfully closes. Its still good money if you can direct people to the high end auctions like eBay autos. Obviously getting a new eBay signup is the best because its a guaranteed good...
  5. RedHat39

    Increase traffic to website

    Hi guys. I've been out of the loop for a few months, but thought I'd drop in and see what the current topics are. On this one I'll lay out my whole strategy of what worked for me. 1) Build a content rich website of at least 5 pages 2) Add a wordpress blog to the website 3) Start a blogger...
  6. RedHat39

    Hi Guys. Just checking in

    Hi guys. I know I haven't been around for a while, so I thought I'd check in and let you all know what I've been up to. I have been in touch with a few of you so those that I have pretty much know the story. I want to thank everyone that has written to me in the last couple of months. I really...
  7. RedHat39

    5 Star is the Greatest

    Great idea Larwee. I hope we can all help her and the rest of you achieve this goal. Also a good first post kick off with the Johnny Carson clip. Funny thing is I actually remember that show airing on TV. I guess that really shows my age when so many people today don't even know who Johnny...
  8. RedHat39

    March with me

    Count me in. I'll do my best to participate. With school getting ready to startup I've been swamped with getting the workstations and network back up to par from the summer vacation but I think I can manage a little free time between all of the squeaky wheeled teachers rants.
  9. RedHat39

    Do you know about Private Label Rights program?

    Diane I sent you a link to the site in PM. I didn't want to post it here in this thread because it might look like I was plugging MPAM since I had posted about this site once before.
  10. RedHat39

    Joint Ventures, Good - Bad - Ugly?

    I was just wondering if any of you had some helpful tips or experiences to share on joint ventures. I'm currently in one that started this past Friday and so far I haven't made a sale but have added about 35 people to my mail list.
  11. RedHat39

    Do you know about Private Label Rights program?

    Hello oregongal. I also have a niche website based on natural cures and DIY home remedies. Its been up since March of this year and is just now starting to see a some what small stream of traffic regularly. I have yet to make a sale from the site though. I have made some adsense revenue but not...
  12. RedHat39


    I think what hes asking is about setting up a website to sell ring tones and whether or not they have to be delivered through specific cell carriers or not. I'm not sure, but if this is what you are asking it looks like to me you would have to have some sort of Telco backend to send out the...
  13. RedHat39

    Mass Emailer Software

    From what you describe it sounds like you have a large volume of emails to be sent. Most all of the autoresponder and newsletter services have a cap limit for each monthly price. So be sure and have a round about estimate of your monthly volume before signing up with any service. As far as...
  14. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    Well I just gotta tell ya Larwee I think you do a bang up job here. I've only had one of those private conversations. (no folks it wasn't anything I did), and you handled it so professionally. I wish you the best in this next upcoming year and I hope we have you here for many more years to...
  15. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    Oh no, there goes my diet. That cake looks delicious maranda!
  16. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    Btw...Good cake Linda. I snagged a corner piece with gobs of icing just the way I like B-Day cake. :D
  17. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    Thats why I love this forum so much... I just wish there were more hours in the day so I could hang out here more often and longer.
  18. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    Hehe, funny pic. He looks "caught in the act". :)
  19. RedHat39

    Looking for drop shipper

    Personally I've never had very good luck with dropshipping. The few times I've tried to use it on eBay either the price would change at the supplier by the time the auction closed or the item would be out of stock causing delayed shipments. This has almost turned me against dropshipping and...
  20. RedHat39

    Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARWEE!! I finally made it. Had to do some updates on my website first so I'm a little late. Looks like I missed out on the blowing out the candles on the cake. Is there any cake left? Or maybe a fried spam sandwich perhaps? I liked the story by purplebear and Linda the...