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  • Users: Sire
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  1. Sire

    Anyone Tried Market Samurai

    I use it and I can say it is the best tool in my arsenal. The other great tool is having a great theme designed for affiliate marketers.
  2. Sire

    Tool to see top searched keywords

    I think the best all around tool for SEO is Market Samurai. I hated keyword research until MS came around.
  3. Sire

    Blogger Stats

    I haven't used blogger for quite awhile, but that sounds like a nice addition. I reckon I'll stick with a self hosted blog. My latest one is hosted with hostgator and it's only costing me $3.95 a month. As a new business venture I think that fits in with one requiring a shoe string budget ;)
  4. Sire

    Which is the better blogging platform

    As far as I'm concerned a self hosted WordPress blog is the only way to go, especially if you intent to make money online. I've used blogger and blogs and it wasn't until I hosted my own that people started taking me seriously. Another plus for hosting your own is you can do paid...
  5. Sire

    What is the best wordpress theme/style?

    What you really need is a theme that is easily manipulated to make it look and feel the way you want it to. I've tried many themes and I've found the best one for affiliate marketing, or indeed any blog, is the FlexSqueeze theme. I use this theme on all my blogs. I've actually written a post...
  6. Sire

    Paid Survey Programs?

    I don't know, I've made over a couple hundred bucks. I reckon it's a pretty good fill in when I have some spare time.
  7. Sire

    Paid Survey Programs?

    It is my experience with all the free survey companies that I have joined that once a member the only email I have ever received is for surveys and I have always remained anonymous when completing these surveys. There was never any cost to me and I was always rewarded.
  8. Sire

    Paid Survey Programs?

    You must have joined a bad one because I have joined a fair few and have not had a problem yet. Perhaps it would be a good idea if you told us which one is the bad apple so no-one else gets sucked in.
  9. Sire

    Win $50 Quick & Easy! 5 Star Contest ☆☆☆☆☆

    Reckon I missed out on this one. Who won? I ran a contest on my games site where I offered a $50 prize and although I got a winner they never claimed their prize.
  10. Sire

    Paid Survey Programs?

    Don't think that you will make a fortune from doing surveys though, but you can make some extra cash.
  11. Sire

    Easy way to make money

    My first venture into making money online was through a website and google adsense and then through doing surveys. I now make most of my money through blogging.
  12. Sire

    Make Money out of Thin Air!

    I must admit that was the best written piece of spam I have ever read. Mine are normally full of bad grammar and poor english and of those that were passable still fell far short of that one. Good reply Linda.
  13. Sire

    Sig file opinions

    I reckon point it at whatever suits your fancy. I change mine depending on what new ventures I want to promote.
  14. Sire

    The Long Term Future of Affiliate Marketing

    I agree that like everything else in the business world affiliate marketing will change. Those who change with it will continu to profit from it and those who refuse to change or keep up will be left behind.
  15. Sire

    Blog Hopping Link Exchange System

    That's pretty much it, but the post itself is all about the link exchange. You start off with one post. Once the post has 10-20 links you can start a new post and it starts again. I hope that made sense.
  16. Sire

    Blog Hopping Link Exchange System

    Most bloggers I know have great trouble exchanging links with other blogs, so we (Pua & I) have developed a strategy called "Blog Hopping". It's simple to set up and in theory will work extremely well. Basically all you need do is have a post on your blog with an apt title explaining the...
  17. Sire

    Blogging For Money

    Yeah I noticed that. I've a PR4 so I'm half way there.
  18. Sire

    Blogging software?

    Wordpress, especially now that it has auto save and heaps of other features in the latest release.
  19. Sire

    Blogging For Money

    That's cool and you can always have a blog that has no ads on it but there are companies out there like blogitive that pay you to write posts. I made $140 last week, which is admittedly not much, but then I only do it when I have some spare time as I already run a business and have to make time...
  20. Sire

    Blogging For Money

    I was wondering how many bloggers there are here who actually get paid to write posts for third parties. You can actually make a fair bit of money by doing what you love. I presume you all love to blog, or you wouldn't be bloggers right? :rolleyes: