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Would you start with that if you were me?


New Member
Lets say I found a keyword like "fishing shops" or "dog shops".. smth like that with shops in the end.. and it has about 15 000 exact searches and over 500 000 broad searches per month. The number 1 page now has currently PR of 2 (PR 4 on his homepage) and not much seo optimized whatsoever. I've already registered an exact match domain for this keyword with .co. What concerns me is.. if it is worth it going for a phrase like that?
Is it a good thing that I will be able to include a lot of affiliate links since thats what they are looking for anyway - SHOPS?
Was I lucky to get that domain name or is it just because nobody wants a domain name with a keyword containing "shops".
Using keywords in your domain name does currently give you a ranking advantage if your domain name exactly matches the keywords being searched for. It also makes it more likely that people will click more often on a URL which contains the keywords they're looking for. You can also capitalize on type-in traffic.
The downside, according to some articles and blogs, is that is only seems to work when the domain name matches the keywords exactly. Simply having a domain name containing the keywords you want in some order, but not matching them exactly, doesn't seem to confer a significant ranking advantage. That means the domain name can help you for exactly one single keyword phrase, but probably not much more. If it's a really good keyword phrase, then you might want to go for it. Otherwise, you shouldn't expect your domain name to be the key to high rankings.

Good luck!
15k exact match searches = 500 searches per day = 200 potential clicks/day for the #1 position. That sounds worth it to me, especially if you have content that is converting.

Your TLD may hold you back, though. I'm used to only using .com or .net.

Whether or not people are searching for 'keyword shops' is going to be a matter of trial and error.
If you find a great keyword just post the amount of searches and the results on an open forum or your competition will greatly be increased, as far as your keyword people would be looking for a store type of site so maybe do a review site of the top shops such as Bass pro shops or Cabella and so on.
PR really doesn't mean much when checking the competition. I'd rather check the title and desc. content. Both really important as well as h1 tags.

But enough about that, try it out. Having a keyword dense domain can help you greatly. I'd avoid .co domain end. Go with .com, .net or .org instead!

Good luck
it depends on your skills

Lets say I found a keyword like "fishing shops" or "dog shops".. smth like that with shops in the end.. and it has about 15 000 exact searches and over 500 000 broad searches per month. The number 1 page now has currently PR of 2 (PR 4 on his homepage) and not much seo optimized whatsoever. I've already registered an exact match domain for this keyword with .co. What concerns me is.. if it is worth it going for a phrase like that?
Is it a good thing that I will be able to include a lot of affiliate links since thats what they are looking for anyway - SHOPS?
Was I lucky to get that domain name or is it just because nobody wants a domain name with a keyword containing "shops".

if you could rank 1# in google a site with "shops" in their keyword, that would be a gold mine for you.
you must think that the people who are looking for online shops, are looking for shopping. if your site is 1# and you have quality products promoting, you could expect a 50% conversion rate. which is a lot.

but from my own experience, i could say that these aren`t the most easy to rank for websites. if you have good seo skills, and creating quality backlinks, you should have no problems. and become rich also :D
Of course it worth to start that website as it is possible to beat pr2 website, besides if your the second in the SERP, it is also good result.