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Who is going to be the next American President?

Kerry or Bush ?

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Just wondering who people think will be the next American president; Kerry or Bush? Our own polling boots are now open cast your vote :)

Bush because i think he is the only one that has the determination to stop the terror
Why change the president in the current time of war?
I don't like John Kerry. He can't make up his mind.
President Bush has been a great president.
"wow... talk about hypocrisy"

Yeah, can you believe that video, novocaine?

I'm not saying Bush is the brightest bulb on the tree, but dag gone; the man is keeping his word.

I'm seeing news, which stated 7 U.S. soldiers refused a mission, calling it a, "Suicide Mission". Kerry voted AGAINST the 87B, in order to give our troops the equipment they need. This is not good for the US, and most importantly, the world.

This is very disturbing.



I just want our COUNTRY back, and the close alliances we ONCE held. And I can't blame that on one person/President.

Gawd, can we just stop the HATE?


We all have differences, and if one wants to back up their, "Difference" with, "Religion" fine, but PLEASE, stop BEHEADING DEFENSELESS FOLKS.

Please, STOP this.


Ahh another thing, my dad is a small business owner and kerry does not support the small business. How can President Bush being reelected be a bad thing, he needs to stay President.
To me, it just comes down to whom I can trust and if the cause is just.

In my mind, there is no question who I can trust vs. who's the, "FLIP FLOPPER".

Also, the low blow at in last week's debate (You know, the one where Herman Munster referred to the Vice President's Daughter's sexual orientation?) shocked even the most left of the lefties. I think that was the final nail in his Presidential aspiration coffin.

Go Kerry/Edwards – Go to WW3 :panic:

Go Bush/Cheney – Go USA - Go Freedom! :party:

But even Dick Cheyne always mention her daughters sexual orientation when he is campaigning for liberal vote to show how "tolerant" he is.
"But even Dick Cheyne always mention her daughters sexual orientation when he is campaigning for liberal vote to show how "tolerant" he is."

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:

You see, defending politicians is a hazardous business. The will leave you with egg all over your face :(
Go Nadar!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Show the world what a bunch of nutjobs we all are!

Oh yeah, and for those outside the U.S. who seem to be rooting for Hurman Munstur (Joke errr....John Kerry), you can have him after Bush is RE-ELECTED. :flipof:

What a nice addition to Tony Blair that would be lol. Heh...Heh...imagine, two U.S. kissa**'s having a debate on who gets more time to kissa** the President of the United States of America. :blue:
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