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Where to buy dirt cheap traffic?


New Member
What I am looking for:
  • Super cheap
  • Able to execute javascript
  • Diverse geography. As many countries as possible.
  • Millions of executions per day
I don't care if its bots, servers, popup traffic...

Basically I want as many browsers as possible to execute my javascript. The JS is very lightweight and not visible to the user. It runs a few 2kb downloads in the background and records the performance, that's it.

I already have a network of sites that can generate me 10-20 million tests per day. But I am looking to grow it to 50million per day and more.

There is no tracking or cookies set, no abuse or anything illegal, the js checks the performance of some of my endpoints and then sends me the speed in ms.

Plus the collected data will be made public.

The deal would be B2B from an EU company.

Maybe there are ad companies that could include the js code inside their popup banners or landing pages?

I think my best bet is big sites that can't monetize their content like funny images/memes, image hosting, torrent sites, adult content...

Anyone interested?
I need millions of tests every day. Your solution would generate at best a few thousands and would require too many resources to maintain.