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When to Hold'em, When to Fold'em


New Member
Although this is kind of a loaded question, this is PURELY to get some different perspectives, since I'm still very much in learning mode.

The question is...When do I hold the campaign (for further testing) and when do I fold? I "think" I remember someone saying something like not spending more than twice the payout before re-evaluating. I've even heard someone say 100 clicks per keyword! My pockets aren't that deep yet. :) Maybe something like...after a 2nd or 3rd stab at tweaks and 100 clicks? Idk....this is what I've got so far.

Campaign 1 - 66 Clicks - 4 Conversions
Campaign 2 - 39 Clicks - 0 Conversions

Although it's not your typical "100 click" campaign, clearly Campaign 2 is not performing as well as Campaign 1.

Decisions, decisions...thanks in advance! :)

I'd at least get several hundred if not more clicks in and then you have something to play with - what your spend to earnings?
I'd at least get several hundred if not more clicks in and then you have something to play with - what your spend to earnings?

My ROI is -27%.

Clicks 118
Conversions 8

Direct link email submit. I've tried changing the copy several times using good suggestions (i.e. keywords in title, strong call to action, asking questions), bids in #1 position on highest ranking keywords, removed bad subIDs (7Search), the works. Still trying to determine if it's me or the ad. lol... Since it's not converting but it was recommended by my AM as a high converting Ad, I HAVE to say it's me...but I just can't figure out what I need to correct to make it profitable. :-( On the other hand, I'm pretty sure all ads don't convert for all people...again...idk...just at a cross roads with this one.

I definitely appreciate your insight.

I guess it all depends on what type of campaigns they are. are they a similar vertical or niche? Where are the placements media buys, social media, landing pages)? What kind of banners or ad copy are you using? Is there a clear CTA? This is all very important when dealing with any individual campaign. If they are similar and placed similar...look at what is performing well and ask yourself, why is this one performing well....what is different?

Also have you tried two of the same offer from different sources? If one converts and the other does not convert..or the numbers are skewed then you may want to consider dropping the offer and maybe the network..or at least ask them questions about the conversion. sometimes the conversions are delayed as well as there may be a technical problem with the postback or pixel firing.
Thanks! Those are all excellent points as well. That is actually just one direct link email submit offer on 7Search. On the converting keywords, I'm ranked #1. Since the original posting I've tried the ad on a different network. From the other network, I have 126 clicks and only 3 conversions, which is worse. So...I've begun looking at the copy to see if there's anything I can tweak there. For all the ads, I have the keywords in the title and in the ad copy with a strong call to action. The ad was recommended by both networks, but for whatever reason, it has not been converting well for me. Between both networks I have 244 clicks and only 11 conversions with optimized titles and ad copy. I have my hand on the plug, but I'm not sure if I should pull it without working on the ad copy a little more. Oh...I've removed a ton of non-performing SubIDs also to minimize the cost, but it doesn't seem to be helping that much.
