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What is Wrong with the DP Forum People?


New Member
Okay, maybe this is an inappropriate topic and then I am sure that the responsible moderators at 5 Star will let me know, but I have to vent.

I want to know what is the deal with many of DP Forum members?

I just can't pin point it, is it that they just post one word misspelled answers for fun? Or is it that many of them can't speak English, or do they not know how to read, because often times I see answers to completely different questions that what the original poster asked?

DP in in of itself is a great resource, especially for backlinks! And not everyone is deranged, but sometimes I go over there and it's like another planet, like Internet Marketing Zombie World...LMFAO

I don't want to blast any individuals directly or else I would post some of the ridiculous stuff I saw just today!

5 Star is so completely different, thank god!!!! :D
genuwine4532, we run into some of those same types of members here as well as some of those same type posts.

We do have ways to deal with them and most of the time we do a good job. As a result members and visitors don't see much of that here at 5 Star.

Glad you like what we are doing.
Thanks genuwine4532! We try

You describe a tough issues that forum mods have to deal with and one that Larry can tell you I personally struggle with a lot. We moderate a lot of that stuff and to tell you the truth I'd like to delete every nonsensical short post we get.

But at what point does it become sensorship? And what if instead of just being some 3rd world spammer, the post I delete is really a newbie affiliate that just doesn?t have a very good command of the English language?

So it's hard to deal with and find a middleground. Some forums are way too loose on moderation, like you said. I like DP and used to go there often. But now it's hard to even read there because they allow blatant spam and self promotion in the affiliate forum which is the main one I read. It's so bad that it's almost impossible to find good tips or have a serious discussion because every other post it seems is "check this out, click my link."

So forum moderation is tricky. We tend to be a little too strict sometimes, which our good members like you appreciate, I think.
For people starting out DP is not the right forum, for people that are experienced in affiliate marketing DP is not the right forum as well.

2 cents :cool:
I agree

I agree with everyone, and I know how carefully this forum is moderated and that is why there is so much useful information here.

I don't mind so much the bad english posts, except when they are obviously not at all helpful and so badly written that you cannot even understand them!

And what really bugs is the blatant abusive responses from some members that remain on the forum which is sure evidence that they do not moderate.

I will say that it is a good place to find link exchange partners and also they do have some tech pros that will tweak your sites, design logos and such for a great price!

But, it really takes a lot lately to refrain from going off on some pretty lame replies.
DP now is all about people trying to make money of other people through hook or crook ..... My experience has been the same, I work around DP for selling links and differet other services [ Not Pitch ] cause I guess this is all that DP is about.

The other thing is absolutly correct. As people are just trying to make as many posts as they can by spaming each and every thread. I too have committed the same crime of spam posts at time.

I guess it all boils down to having rules and "implementing" them. However, as far as the implementation part is concerned I would say this forum by far has earned my respect and if I had to rank it would give it " 5 stars "

My First Day At affliate-marketing Forum:

Today was my first day at the forum, and according to the plan I marked a number of forums that I would join and leave my services offers their. Without paying much attention to the rules Just came in copy pasted a few threads and was about to leave before I got a PM by Larry highlighting that my thread was removed, but before I could read the I had posted another similar thread which again was removed too and larry informed me that I am under moderation now. That I won't be able to post any new thread without the admin seeing it first.

However, I honestly told him that I didn't read any rules and just pasted my offers. In his second email he said that he understands its an innocent mistake and my account has been restored to a normal account and I can have all the previlleges of a normal account.

Now if was remained under moderation or if larry would have not been so nice and polite about all the issue it wouldn't have mattered to me " I would have just left the forum" and never looked back. But since that time his mails and linda in her welcome mail.

In my 7 years of Internet Marketing visiting forum after forum, it feels now I have truly found a home.....

So Thanks and Respect earned > Larry & Linda , I wonder if you guys are husband and wife ;-)

I hope and infect I know I am gonna have a really good time here .....

cheers // Tirmizi
"So Thanks and Respect earned > Larry & Linda , I wonder if you guys are husband and wife" ;-)

Nope, we work several states a part from each other and we're both already married...
to our computers. :p
Larry & Linda , I wonder if you guys are husband and wife ;-)
This is the first time I've ever seen that question.

The answer is no as Linda said in her post. We live more than 1800 miles away from each other and we have never met.

You did mention something that I want to comment on because each situation is unique, and people should always read the rules.

What happened in your situation doesn't mean that all situations such as yours are handled the same way. It depends on a lot of variables.

Thanks for the very kind words and I am glad you like the way we do things around here.