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What is the most frustrating/challenging part about sending marketing emails?

Lauren Smith

New Member
I'm in the process of gathering research into the challenges most commonly faced by marketers when executing email campaigns. What are yours? And what role do your play in the process? (Job title?) Looking forward to a spirited discussion!
I'm in the process of gathering research into the challenges most commonly faced by marketers when executing email campaigns. What are yours? And what role do your play in the process? (Job title?) Looking forward to a spirited discussion!

One of my biggest problem is that my email will stop working because all the similar emails will read as spam. I've had better luck with my Gmail account but my Yahoo will completely boycott my efforts of a campaign if its over twenty people getting the same email. So I have to do ten every couple of hours or so. It's really annoying.

I think after the first couple campaigns, people kind of ignore it. Email campaigns really on work with a huge list of really loyal customers who love what you're selling. If they are sort of interested and it's small, you won't see consistent results. This method, for the moment, is the one I don't use often because my list is tiny.
The challenge is always the same. Getting a good open rate and CTR. This can only get achieved through extensive testing and comparing campaign performance (in the same vertical) against each other
The main challenge is to achieve a good open and click through rate for an email campaign. The success is always measured by conversions.

The best part, Nowadays there are n numbers of tools helping a marketer to reach their goals. It depends as a marketer, which tool can give you much benefit. Have you chosen your tool?
I am an email marketer who has been doing the task for quite sometime. One of the major challenge that I have faced is getting an email list with contacts that are not active. Most of them tend to bounce and therefore narrowing the scope you work with. The fear of not getting response is another challenge that I have faced.
Currently have the role of "product marketer"

Well I'll say the challenge I face is striking a balance between keeping an email personalized, while keeping the email short and relevant. I figure that when these are done perfectly then open and click/conversion rates will follow.
I'm in the process of gathering research into the challenges most commonly faced by marketers when executing email campaigns. What are yours? And what role do your play in the process? (Job title?) Looking forward to a spirited discussion!

Reaching the inbox! is the biggest challenge. Have to make sure your email wont get flagged by a spam filter for a reason you didnt think of. (I.E. has certain Red Flag words in it)
I thought I would give some insight from an ESP's perspective. We host many affiliate marketers doing email marketing, and many common mistakes we find happening are the following:

1. Send emails to lists bought/downloaded/shared - these lists have all been spammed to death before and often contain spamtraps.

2. No effort put into creating emails. I had a client once who's first email campaign he sent out consisted of the following:

"Click this link" and had his affiliate link. Really? Did he think he would make money that way?

3. Targetting the wrong niche. I suppose this comes down to building your own list. Don't buy/download a list that might have been originally people signing up for beauty products and you're trying to sell them a financial product. Your ROI will be super low.

4. Know your ISP receiving limits - If you're sending to Yahoo for example, and have 1000 Yahoo email addresses in your list, and your IP does not have a whitelist sending reputation, Yahoo will start bouncing you very quickly. You've just wasted your time. Go with an option that will enable you to send from different IP's/domains, or work with the ISP's involved, complete their bulk senders forms they might have, alert them to the fact that your sending emails (This really works if you have fully double opt-ed in subscribers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I'll try and answer them.