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What is the Definition of Good Directory?


New Member
As we know there are many directories out there on the web, i am just curious to know what makes any directory a good one. Apart from PR.?
Pagerank has nothing to do with how a website will perform or deliver. A good directory should target you to the exact visitors hopefully to buy from you.

Good reasons to use a website directory:

Reach your target market
It should avoid any search engine penalties eg: drop in serps, it drops in rank, then so do the sites listed.
Give good features
Offer more than it's competitors
Be an authority link
Not rely on the search engines
Be recognised
Something that attracts links without effort
Virally self-supportive
Offers cost-effective advertising
Not rip off it's advertisers
Preferably specialises

If none of the above are offered, then seek life elsewhere -you wont get much traffic nor be found much. I doubt any general directory can offer 1 of the above without stay in business for long. At moment people can jump ship to easily eg: go to a different directory as no real competition for decent priced advertising and traffic ROI is useless from them at the moment. All webmasters want is to steal pagerank from the next directory using directories for promote.

Link prices cost too much on directories, and without traffic value, no point as any PR got from directory, is taken away by Google at some point.
The PR makes much difference for me. Its always good to submit to high PR directories if you want to raise in google.
If you knew anything, you wouldn't be selling PR. Chasing the serps is one of the toughest things to do, it's a never ending battle you can't win without deep pockets full of cash.

There's only one No 1 spot in the serps pages for the top keywords, and you think you're the only one after it? I'm shocked at the ignorance and desperation of little kids with their $50 scripts, they think they will beat top companies with million budgets, using forums and blogs for promotion. Haven't laughed so much since I first saw the Stephan Ducharme ebook scam, and the clueless giving him money and thinking he will make them rich.

How stupid can people be. Welcome to the web, that's how..
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I'm saying wake up and be aware that directories don't give good value anymore. but now it's all a rush to sell links based on PR - where's the oodles of traffic? Becos I've never seen it from many paid links on so-called 'Top directories'.

The only directory that sent me decent traffic was MS Small business directory and that was shut down. At least a big name was behind it and I respect that, my point is they delivered and didn't charge much for great ROI.

Got to be careful where you place your link.